Ok, ok, I’ve gotten behind on the blog again and I need to catch up. So I’m going to put five days together here. One reason for this is because not a whole lot happened in these five days. Four of them we were off and we just lived life.
Bob went and hit golf balls at the driving range. I played Mexican Train or some of other game with friends. We went to the store once or twice. Bob fixed a leaky faucet. We watched TV, we cleaned the house, did laundry, read, made meals, rode bikes and slept. That’s pretty much it.
Here in the park we have a “veggie man” that comes every Tuesday at 12:30. He pulls a good sized flat trailer with bins built on top of it and we drives up word spreads fast, “the veggie man is here!” and he is swarmed. I was part of this this week and I came home with a large bagful of green peppers, tomatoes, grape tomatoes, red peppers and bananas.
I bought all of the above for $8.00. The grape tomatoes came in those plastic bowls with the clear plastic domes over them which usually sell in the grocery store for $2.98 a piece. I got three of them for a dollar each. And sweet!?!? Oh yes! I made up a large pot of pepper, tomato and onions, one of my favorite things to eat.
Tuesday evening we went to dinner with the Every Other Tuesday Night Let’s Go Out To Dinner Club. This week we went to Casa del Taco or for those who are lacking in the ability to read or speak Spanish that’s House of Tacos.
This restaurant hasn’t been here all that long from what we’ve heard. But when we went inside I didn’t get the impression this was a newly built building so I’m thinking just the façade is newly built.
We arrived a little bit later than everyone else so when we got there Joy was already enjoying a margarita.
Now I’m not a great fan of Mexican food. I’ll eat taco’s if I get to build it so that I know exactly what’s on it and I’ll eat beef fajitas. That’s it. No refried beans, no rice, I don’t even want a tortilla. Eating a burrito is not something I’ll even entertain the thought of eating.
It came time to order and Bob and I were the last ones. I ordered the beef fajita sans rice, tortilla, guacamole and whatever else the others got with theirs. I did get a tossed salad and was a bit surprised when it was served on the plate with my fajita.
Ya know, when you come down to it, what I had for dinner was the Spanish version of Chinese pepper steak. It worked for me! I must say, it was good! Really good! Others at the table enjoyed theirs and then some said it was bland. I don’t recall what the bland dinners were but I’m glad I didn’t get it! Bob also got the fajita with all the trimmings and thoroughly enjoyed his too.
We got back to the park in time for the horse racing. We gathered in the clubhouse and found seats at a table and were ready to place our bets. No this wasn’t OTB by any means.
We have our own racetrack here in Trade Winds.
Everyone bets a dime on the horse they want. Bob picked three horses and I picked three so we had the track covered, we were going to win no matter what. (We think each bettor should be limited to two horses and it should be a quarter bet, it would make for bigger pots to win and there wouldn’t be so many winners.) There are isix races played. At the start of each race the Call to the Post is played on a dime store plastic horn. (I’m sorry the pic is blurry but I had hard time keeping the camera steady because I was laughing) Yes, he actually got the Call to the Post played on that.
The fellow above is really decked out for this. Take notice of his hat, see the horse ears?
Here’s another picture showing his mane and tail.
So how do the horses race you are wondering? Another fellow has a wooden tray with the bottom covered in felt. He also has six die. He takes the tray to the person sitting on the end seat at the table and that person rolls all six dice. He then calls out the roll of the dice. Let’s say there was one 2, one 3, two 5’s and two 6’s. The number one horse would move 1 space, number 3 horse would also move one space. Horses number 5 & 6 would each move 2 spaces. In the picture above you can see the number three horse is out in front.
The “crowd” really gets into this cheering the horses on and fun was had by all. We won every race! We went in with $1.80 and went home with $3.40.
That’s all for this block of time. Nothing important, nothing exciting, just life. Boring, mundane things, fun things, good times with friends and always, always, lots of laughs. I’ll take it any day of the week!