Friday, October 2, 2015

10/2/2015 No Sleep!

Arizona City, AZ

Bob got absolutely no sleep last night.  He said he was up all night worrying about the rig being that un-level.  Soooo, we're going back to tomorrow to move it.  He says he just can't leave it like that, we have to move it.

We unpacked the car and truck and then of course I had to re-pack an overnight bag for us to take tomorrow.

Today we had a chance to look around the yard and we were surprised at how much our cactus and other plants had grown over the summer.

Bob wasn't expecting to have his picture taken.  He wasn't hiding he was checking the irrigation lines.

We have oranges!

This cactus grew so much.

The oleander is way overgrown, this will have to be quite way back.

We did manage to get the inside temperature down to 76 degrees inside last night.  The AC didn't shut off once.  But at 76 it was actually quite comfortable considering how hot it was outside.

We've decided that we'll spend the night in Show Low when we go up to get the rig moved since driving 10 hours a day is just something we don't even want to do.

We called it an early night since we're getting up early tomorrow morning to head back to Juniper Ridge.  We'll make a stop in the morning to get diesel fuel because we noticed that it costs about 20 cents a gallon less down here.

This ride back and forth is getting old!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

10/1/15 Farewell Juniper Ridge

Show Low to Arizona City, AZ

Today we depart what we now refer to as our summer place.  

First we had to get the 5th wheel over to the lot where we are keeping it for the winter.  This proved difficult at best.  Bob had checked out the lot and the best way to get into the space and was concerned with a bend in the road that he was going to have to navigate to get into the lot.  He was so concerned about the route that he really didn't notice the lot itself.  Oh, this was a lesson learned.

The lot was very much out of level and evidently there had been a water leak at one time near the water spigot.  The lot had lots of stone on it and it was very deep which makes for lousy traction.  Back and forth he went trying to get it close to the patio and away from the worst part of the un-level area.  Needless to say the rig was leaning!  You can get an idea of how much it was leaning from this picture.  We aren't hooked up here, we just didn't move the truck yet.

Trust me, this is leaning alot.  After we got it in there we had to clean up the site of ruts we made and make it look it presentable again.  Neither one of us was looking forward to the four and half drive ahead of us to Arizona City but our "summer house" was now put away for the season.

So we headed on down the road.  

When we got to Arizona City it was HOT!  This picture was taken at 5:30 in the afternoon, in the shade.

This one was taken inside after we got the electric on.  We had to get this place cooled down enough to sleep in!

All Bob talked about was how much the RV was leaning and how worried he was that when the area got snow and ground got saturated that the ground would give.  Now I was worried too!

So here we are in Quail Run for the winter and we're in our park model.  This makes me very happy.  What doesn't make me happy was having to unpack this!  In this heat!

Needless to say we took out what we absolutely had to have, the rest can wait until a cooler tomorrow morning.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Dear Readers,

I’ve gotten your comments here on the blog, your emails, your texts, your phone calls.  I hear you.

I haven’t posted since June because I didn’t have much to write about, things weren’t really into the swing of things here and quite frankly, I just didn’t know if YOU were still interested or not.  So, I let the blog get away from me.  Then the next thing I know things are busier than ever here and time is in short supply.

All the same, I hear you.  I will continue to write The Quinn’s Awesome Journey.  By now I’ve probably lost a lot of readers and that is certainly no ones fault but my own.  It doesn’t matter, those of you who contacted me and reached out to ask if we were ok,,,,you matter.

So I will do my very best to play catch up.  I can only do that by covering a few days or even a week at a time.  So bear with me…..  When you visit this site just scroll down to see what I've added.

Monday, July 13, 2015

7/13/15 Derby Week Begin…..Day One

(Show Low, AZ)

I was up and at ‘em early this morning because Derby Days starts at 8 a.m..  I had my blue  outfit picked out as blue is our team color.  I had my bag with my team lists, the week’s schedule and blue bandanna all ready to go.

We were to meet in the Grand Lodge and after our Pledge of Allegiance to our flag the Derby Week officially started.


An outline of the games and rules were given and then we took our oath for the games.

This is my special buddy, Ed.  He such a nice man.


These are judges for the games.

It was at this time we had to debut our songs or cheers.  Ours was based on Camp Town Ladies Sing This Song,,,,Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah.  Remember that song?  We changed the words to suit us.  Ours was all written out because it was kind of difficult to remember all the words.  We wish we had one something like the Orange Team did.  They had a short cheer:

Orange Sherbert, Orange Sherbert, Orange is a sure bet!

Since I am, once again, the park photographer for the Facebook page I was quite busy not only getting pics of my team but running all around getting pictures of all the teams.  In addition to me there was a professional photographer also taking pictures.  Mike is a resident of the park and was called upon to take pictures too.  His weren’t for Facebook however.  Oh, how I wanted his camera!


Our first game today was horseshoes.  I’m used to heavier, steel shoes and these were rubber.  Just not the same!  Give me the steel shoes any day!

This is Margaret O’Brien,,,,yeah, like the movie star!  She is such fun, I really like this lady!


From horseshoes we went to Ladder Golf.

One of my jobs as Blue Team leader was to keep the team in line in the order they were going to play.  I think I did a real good job of it!



We did pretty well at this event, and of course we don’t know how the other teams did, but we won’t know the Place we took until tomorrow morning.

Next up, and the last game for today was indoors at the Grand Lodge.

We had to have a bouncer and then everyone on the team was at the other end of the playing field.

Our bouncer had three tennis balls and he had to have them bounce one time and team members, playing one at a time, had to catch all three balls, or as many as  they could, in the tin the tennis balls came in. 


I thought this would be difficult but actually it was easier than it looked.



This was our first day of Derby Week.  Fun, so far!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

7/12/15 We Are Lovin’ Juniper Ridge!

(Show Low, AZ)

As the title says, we’re lovin’ it here.  The wind is gone, the days are in the 80’s with very low humidity, we’re involved in the community and making new friends.  Life is good.

Judy and I have been spending time at the pool and in the hot tub.  We’ve also gotten into checking out all the park models for sale in the park.  We hit every open house there is and we ooh and ahh over the ones we really like and roll our eyes at each over the ones we don’t.  Judy and I also will go to town at the drop of a hat.

Bob has been golfing several times with our friend and neighbor from Quail Run, Mike.  Bob also likes to take rides around this huge resort in the golf cart.  He meets more people this way.

The four of us have this Activity down pat now.  It’s gotten to the point that we anticipate each others moves and we’re working like a well oiled machine. 

Over the weekend there was another Craft Fair.  This is our most difficult set up.  Once again there was a great crowd.


Our Activities Leader made a delicious lunch that was served after the fair.

Derby Week start this week and I, for one, am really looking forward to it.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

7/9/2015 Christmas in July

(Show Low, AZ)

The morning started out with a meeting of the Derby Days team to finish up our Derby Days bonnet.

Horses racing around the track…


The makings of the track fence, although this didn’t end up on the finished product.  We just couldn’t make it stand as we had envisioned.


Forming the crowns as the Belmont Stakes is part of the famous trio.

So we ended up with the horses on the track, our color blue in flowers, the triple crowns and a big B for Belmont.  The hat is to reflect “Derby Days”.

We were all glad when this was done.  So now our bonnet is ready to be turned in, the song is written and we’re ready for the games to begin.

In the afternoon I attended Christmas in July in the Grand Lodge.  This event is sponsored by Doc & Lynette as a thank you to the park for their support in the business they own.  Doc & Lynette are funeral planners.  I don’t mean to say that plan all the funerals for the people in the park although I’m sure they have helped many do so.  They do hold seminars and the park residents do attend and probably refer friends to them.  So this fun event is a thank you.

Lots or door prizes will be given away.



We had cake!


So that no one walked away without a gift of some sort, everyone was given a cremation starter set.

There was an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest too.

We also played “Christmas Pictionary” which was a lot of fun.

It was a fun two hours.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7/7/15 Crafters Show Their Stuff

(Show Low, AZ)

This park has all kinds of craft classes.  Residents can learn card making, my favorite so far, pottery making, silversmithing, weaving and the list goes on.  Today was the day that the crafters put their creations on display for all to see.

The sewing room was abuzz matching, pinning and sewing quilts.



The Wood Shop had their wares on display.

The weavers were busy.



The card makers had been busy too!


After this event my Derby Days team gathered to get started on our Derby Hat creation.

All kinds of crafts will come into play.

And the day wasn’t over yet.  This evening our Farmers Group held a silent auction as a fundraiser.

Connie was busy things set up and the auction slips in place.

All kinds of things were up for auction.

I wish I had gotten one of these crystal animal figurines now.

This certainly was a busy day!