Wednesday, August 1, 2007

7/31/07 Too Tired To Move

We don't know if its the heat or if its the busy workdays but suddenly we're too tired to get out of our own way. I would guess its a combination of both.

We had good intentions to get out and do something today but we both slept in later than usual and neither one of us had any get up and go once we did manage to get out of bed. So today we puttered around the house, had computer time, reading time, and TV time. A relaxing day to say the least. By late afternoon I finally found the energy to go to Walmart for groceries.

I think the heat has a lot to do with it. The mid-west is in a heatwave, as is the rest of the country it seems, and it is just plain HOT! We're in the high 90's for the rest of the week at least. I know Bob isn't looking forward to this work week as he's still on the roof of a Kamper Kabin and this next one is in full sun again.

A couple of weeks ago Bob made contact with a buddy of his that we hadn't talked to in a couple of years. When it was my turn to talk with him he asked how we got his number, he asked if we googled his name? Actually, I found his number through A few days later this conversation popped into my head and I did
Google his name. Since he is being quoted in the newspaper often and has his own business I wasn't surprised at the search results. I then wondered what would come up, if anything, if I googled my own name, after all, I had written a few letters to the editor of our hometown newspaper over the years. So I googled Snookie Quinn and much to my surprise "I" was at the top of the list that came up. Go ahead, Google my name and then Google your own to see what comes up for you.

We had breakfast for dinner again tonight. Its an easy meal for me as all I do is the fried potatoes and Bob does the rest. I just never mastered keeping the yellow intact when cooking eggs and Bob gets it right every time.

So there it is, another day in these full timers lives. It will get more interesting once we get on the road again, I promise.

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