Saturday, November 27, 2010

11/27/2010 We HATE This Floor!

There is a transition from the laminate flooring in the living/dining room area to the kitchen where tile has been laid.


When we bought the flooring we bought the matching transition piece for $27.00. Bob got the metal channel piece in place and screwed it down ready for the two pieces to be fitted into it.


A closer look.


Two pieces of wood are supposed to fit nicely together and just slip right into this channel. NOT!

Bob spent many an hour on the floor trying to figure out why this wasn’t working. Talk about major frustration. Let me tell ya, I learned a whole new language on this part of the project. I think he even made up a few new ones. I didn’t know so many cuss words could be strung together in one sentence. I wish I had a tape recorder going for he surely would have taken the Guinness World Record one continuous string of cuss words.

When he thought he had it…he started tapping it in and….and…wait for it…..the wood splintered. Now think back to that long string of cuss words I told you he spouted off in the previous paragraph. THAT WAS NOTHING! Talk about mad! I thought his blood pressure was going to go through the roof.

He quit. He’d had enough. He hates this floor. I hate this floor by now. It was at this point that I decided that the bedroom flooring material was going back. We will carpet the bedroom instead. I will not, can not, put him through this again. And the floor saga continues.

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