Glutton for punishment. That’s me. The last time I went shopping with Marilyn I went for window valance curtains. I came home with eight bags and a whole lot less in our checking account. You think I woulda learned the last time. I guess I didn’t because I’m going to the mall again. With Marilyn. Before I go any further let me explain that there are not malls here as we know them. In Delaware if you go to the Christiana Mall or the Concord Mall you go to a very large building with store after store all under one roof. Even though I hear the term “mall” here, they are no more than shopping centers, Strip shopping centers on steroids. Now that I think about it I hear the term mall from people who very probably have real malls in their hometowns. I guess it wouldn’t be practical here. It would cost a fortune to air condition a common area in 115 degree heat and store rents would be through the roof.
So Marilyn has a 30% off coupon that she is going to share with me. I happen to be in need of a lot of things right now. A coffee maker for the 5th wheel, new sheets for both places, socks for Bob and the list goes on. Well, I hit the jackpot! The mother lode! I was able to get nearly everything I needed on sale. I bought $214 worth and with the discounts due to sales and then the 30% on top of that I walked out paying $97.53. I am a shopping goddess! Well, maybe that is a little over the top, let me rephrase that. I am cheap, the Queen of Cheap and I am happy! And the best part,,,,I didn’t take anything back!
Bob is still hurting but he’s forcing himself to move. Two more days and he should start feeling better. Keep your fingers crossed!
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