Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7/2011 Time is Getting Short

Shortimers. That’s us. Just nine days to go before we pull out of here.

All of us have started getting ready to tear down for the trip to our next destinations. We’re heading to Arizona, Joy and DeWayne are heading to Oklahoma for a short time and Jerry and Valerie are heading to Wyoming for a few days before moving on further south.

I have started going through drawers to see what, if anything, I can get rid of, and of course straightening as I go along.

Bob has had the truck worked on getting the oil changed and fluids all checked.

We got a new GPS. Our old one was just too confused all the time with all the new roads that have been built and changes made. We couldn’t get any new updates for it so it was time to retire her.

We stuck with Garmin but this one has all the latest bells and whistles and lifetime updates. I wonder if that’s our lifetime or Doris the GPS’s lifetime?

Instead of this one just talking to us, we can now talk to it and it hopefully will know what we want. This should be interesting!

One feature I don’t care for so far is that it tells us how much it costs us in fuel each time we go somewhere. For instance, to go to the shoppette here on base (think 7-11) which is little more than a stone’s throw away, it tells us it cost us 49 cents in fuel. Yes, I know I said stone’s throw but don’t think of it as ME throwing the stone, think of it as Cliff Lee of the Phillies throwing it. THAT far away. Yes, we could and should be walking there but in our defense we always buy heavy things from there. Think cases of beer.

Bob has our route all plotted,,,,again! Every few days he works on this and we end up going a different way. I leave that up to him, that’s his job. If it was up to me I would draw a straight line from Point A to Point B and would pick that route. He’s all about steep grades, low overpasses, state roads vs. freeways. Like I said, that’s his job! He’s good at it so I leave well enough alone.

He took these pictures of this little bird this afternoon. We don’t know if it was hurt or not. It didn’t fly away or even seem scared no matter how close Bob got.



We hit the half full occupancy rate. The season is winding down.

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