(Arizona City, AZ)
This is the last week that Kenny & Sean are here as our renters arrive on the 15th.
Most of the days Kenny & Sean soaked up the rays around the pool.
On the 11th I took part in the Veteran’s Day program. I was asked to recite a poem.
Freedom Is Not Free
I watched the flag pass by one day,
It fluttered in the breeze;
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform,
So young, so tall, so proud;
With hair cut square and eyes alert,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought ... how many men like him
Had fallen through the years?
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilot's planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers graves?
No ... Freedom is not Free.
I heard the sound of Taps one night,
When everything was still;
I listened to the bugler play,
And felt a sudden chill;
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend;
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands ...
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea,
Of unmarked graves in Arlington ...
No ... Freedom is not Free!
I was honored to be asked to read this poem. Only people who have served our country are asked to participate in the program.
Afterwards, Kenny and I went to the Ostrich Farm. Sean didn’t want to go so he stayed back to watch TV.
These are pictures from our day.
Ladies horseshoes got underway for this winter season.
My first games was in the pits. No pun intended. By the time I played my third game I found my spot. Now I just have to hope that it doesn’t rain. Confused? Well, my sweet spot for horseshoes was marked by some bird poop on the cement. As long as that spot stays there I’m ok.
Kenny & Sean pulled out early Friday morning heading east to Florida. We hope we showed them a good time.
Friday night Bob & I and several of our friends went to the Tumbleweed Bar for a fish fry dinner. Both Bonnie’s went.
Steve and Jodee. This couple is new to Quail Run this year and they are parked right across the street from us. We have hit it off with this couple and find them lots of fun to be with.
Entertainment for the evening was Bunky, a singer in these parts who has quite a following.
A busy week A fun week. Just another week in the lives of these fulltime RV’ers.