Today we took a day trip to Show Low, Arizona. This is the town we will be spending the summer in.
Our neighbor, Mike, who lives across the street from us here in Quail Run, also spends the summer in Show Low. Since he and his wife both have cars they want there he has to get his motorcycle up to his summer home. Today we’ll follow him in his car to our summer town.
I wasn’t aware of the kind of road we would be traveling. It’s about 180 miles or so, as the crow flies, to Show Low and it took us 3.5 hours to make the trip.
It was a good trip till we hit the mountain with the many switchbacks. Long time readers know I get carsick so this isn’t a good thing.
That said, the scenery was spectacular!
Do you see the RV’s?
There is no way Bob and I would come this way with our 5th wheel. These RV’s are running slow and they are struggling. I wonder if this was a surprise to them or if they did this on purpose?
That’s Mike in front of us.
After we dropped the bike off Mike took us to Juniper Ridge so that we could check it out. Turns out they are only about a 1/4 mile from us.
We were greeted by Lyle who showed us around. We love this place! Its quite big in that it has 728 sites. Most are park models and no two are alike. Some have very small Arizona rooms built on and others have huge Arizona rooms.
Lyle showed us most of the buildings and the pool area. I think we’re really going to like it here. The grounds are beautiful and the irrigation system was giving the grass a good drink. Its green here! A welcome change.
There are about 30 families who live here year round. The summer residents will start arriving in early May he told us.
He showed us where the workampers park their rigs and we picked our site.
After getting a feel for Juniper Ridge we took a ride to downtown Show Low. We’re pretty sure it has everything we’ll need. There’s a Lowe’s and Home Depot, a Walmart, a Penney’s, Safeway for groceries many more smaller stores plus a good many restaurants. Yep, this will do.
Soon it was time to head back. Mike took over the driver’s seat and Bob the front passenger spot. That gave me, the one who get car sick, the back seat. Well, we got to the mountain and started the switchbacks, back and forth, back and forth down the mountain. Back and forth, sharp curves, twisty, winding roads. PULL OVER MKE! Bob and I had to switch places. I just couldn’t do it. So I went the rest of way down the mountain with my head hanging out the window gulping fresh air. Why oh why didn’t I outgrow this???
Of course the further south we went the warmer it got. That cooler mountain air felt good but the desert was in full evidence once again.
When we got home we settled for meatballs sandwiches from Subway for dinner. Works for us.
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