Sunday, April 20, 2008

4/20/08 Preparing to Hit the Road

Our time here in El Centro is winding down. We've been here nearly three weeks and it is time to move on. So today we start preparing.

Bob started putting chairs away and putting things in the basement back where they belong, although there really wasn't too much out of place, just odds and ends.

I started vacuuming and noticed that all around the edges of the carpet it was really getting darker in color. Did THAT MUCH sand and dust get in while we were in Arizona? Bob got the shop vac out for me because my vacuum doesn't get right up to the wall. Sure enough the shop vac sucked it all out. I really have to make the time to steam clean these carpets. It's been on my to do list for the last several weeks but so far it hasn't made my I'm doing it list. I've read on several other Quail Run blogs that some of the girls have done theirs and they talk about how dirty the water is. I can hardly wait.

After things were pretty much ready for traveling we got into the truck to go get our fuel for our drive tomorrow. We were kicking ourselves that we didn't get it yesterday when we were in town for the centennial celebration because it went up four more cents since then. We filled up at $4.29! These fuel prices are killing us!

So as I said earlier, our time is coming to a close here. We're ready. A final stop at the commissary to stock up on things and we're ready to pull out in the morning.

It's been nice staying here and easy on the wallet. Easy on the wallet is a good thing!


Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Easy on the wallet is great and you should take advantage as often as you can. I thought our 4.029 was horrible, I will really hate it when we have to pay that much. Rick said in OH it is 4.15. Have safe travels.

LaVon Baker said...

We're praying for your safety. Where will you be stopping? For how long?
I need to clean our carpets too! Let's rent the machine together and get it done on both 5'ers in one day!
Oh, shoot, we're not next door to each other any more. Gosh, I miss you!