Tuesday brought a trip to the doctor for both of us. Last week Bob had been experiencing swelling in his feet since it wasn’t going away he thought he’d better get things checked out. I hadn’t been to the doctor in awhile either so I made for me too. As expected I was sent down the hall for blood work. To be honest the phlebotomist was really good and since I was really good I got stickers! They will be sent to Jasmine, our granddaughter.
Well, we aren’t getting good news after these appointments. It has been determined that I’m pre-diabetic (???) so that means NO MORE PEPSI’S! Oh just shoot me now! NO MORE CANDY! Please, please, just shoot me now! Well, we had just done shopping and I have candy and Pepsi’s in the house and I’m damn well going to finish them. Let the feast begin! I opted to take a pill everyday for 90 days. The doctor says if I cut out the sodas and candy I should lower my numbers significantly and suggested this med for 90 days and then in all likelihood I wouldn’t have to take it anymore. My cholesterol is also elevated and it was suggested that I take two Metamucil capsules every day. Since they are over the counter I have chosen to take four for that extra boost. I hope it works because I cannot take statins.
Bob has to have some more testing done. A stress test and the like. He’ll have those done in the next few weeks. We aren’t anticipating any problems there.
We were basking in the glow of a job done well but little did we know a lot more work was just around the corner!. Actually, around the corner and across our lot!
On Wednesday I was sitting on the patio reading and Bob was inside watching TV when we heard this diesel motor. Naturally I looked up because our friends are starting to come in and I wanted to see who it was. Bob also did the same thing from inside. Well. Here comes this motor home in a wide turn, across our front yard within six feet of our home and one foot of our brick border around our front garden. I jumped up and as the driver went by he waved and smiled. Oh, I don’t think so! Bob came out and looked at the tire tracks across our gravel and said, “Get on the phone and see who sells rocks!” After a few phone calls we found what we were looking for. A trip to town was in order.
When we went in the first time our thought was to buy two or three good sized boulders, big enough to stop a bus if need be. That big. We’re talking 600 – 700 pounds each. They would deliver the boulders the next day. They told us how it would be done and that’s where we had pause. They would bring them in a dump truck and do just that …. dump them. All well and good but what if they rolled? They were too much for the deliver man, Bob and me to move if they did or if they didn’t fall where they were supposed to. We told the guy we would call later in the afternoon that we would look into making arrangements for a Bobcat to move them. Adding the cost of a Bobcat rental to the mix just made this too expensive for what we wanted to spend. We canceled the boulders.
By the next morning Bob’s wheels had been turning and the next thing I know there are a dozen empty beer cans spaced evenly around the perimeter of our property. (We have a curb along the side) I went out to find out what was going on and he replied in two words. “Smaller rocks”. Alrighty then! He suggested I go into town to buy rocks at the place we were yesterday. Now I’ve gone to town to buy wood, cement, tools and a multitude of other things for him, and let’s not forget the cases of beer but this is the first time I’ve been sent to buy rocks. We walked around a little bit looking at what rocks other people had for decoration so that I could get an idea of what size he was talking about. Ok, twelve rocks about this (---------) big. Got it.
I left around eleven because it was going to be a hot one. By eleven thirty I was rock shopping. Buying rocks is not an easy thing to do. They come in all different sizes and shapes and colors and there are just so many to choose from. And for the most part they are in a big pile. I felt sorry for the guy who was getting them for me. So I picked the twelve out and made arrangements for delivery the next day.
At ten a.m. on Thursday a dozen rocks weighing between fifty and a hundred pounds each were delivered. The fellow helped us place them and after he left we moved them here and there and back again until we got them just right. So now our place looks like this….
It’s hard to believe those rocks weigh so much! This should slow everyone down coming around our corner.
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