Saturday, October 26, 2013

10/20–10/26/2013 Another Week In the Life….

The link I posted below has been fixed.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

(Arizona City, AZ)

Our days are running into each other.  Each one pretty much like the day before.  Bob putters and I hang out at the pool with “the girls”.

I’m getting brown as a berry.  Wait, stop, back up.  What berry is brown?  I wouldn’t eat a brown berry!  I’d eat a blue one, a black one and a red one but never, ever a brown one.  Nevertheless, I’m brown as one. 

Our group is growing now as more winter residents arrive.  How can I tell?  We’re running out of lounge chairs.  We have four plus a lot of regular chairs that are placed around the tables.  I’ve done some shopping at Home Depot and Lowe’s pricing them out and have given the information of what I’ve found to Brenda, our park manager.  In turn she has to give the info to the park owners and we’ll hope they’ll say yes to buy them.

I’ve been asked to be an administrator for the Quail Run RV Park Facebook page.  So all of you Facebook’ers feel free to check out OUR PAGE so that you can see what’s going in this desert park.  Please, like the page and feel free to leave comments.

Remember the cotton fields I told you about?  They have been harvested and big blocks of baled cotton stand in the fields now.  This field below has had one pass through it with the mechanical cotton picker.  I’m sure it has a much more proper name but since I don’t know it mechanical cotton picker will have to suffice.

A couple of days passed and when I was in town my cell phone rang.  It was Brenda asking me where I was.  I told her and she asked that I meet her at Lowe’s so that we could get the lounge chairs.  Yay, the owners said buy them!  Since I had the truck and “the discount” I was glad  to pick them up.  We now have plenty of lounges to go around,,,,for awhile anyway.

Bob and I went for a ride one day just to get out of the park for awhile.  We took a ride over to one of the golf course areas just to see some green.

I think we both needed to see this!

A going down the road picture I snapped.


Do you see the lizard?

We had a pool party where many of those in the park gathered in the pool area for socializing, snacks, drinks and dancing.

Just another week in the desert.

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