Saturday, May 24, 2014

5/24/2014 Memorial Day Weekend–Day Two

(Damascus, VA) 

(Fair warning, this is a long one)

All morning the minutes seemed like hours.  We were both so excited at the idea of seeing Jonathan again.  It’s been nearly a year since we’ve seen him and his family.  Actually, it would be very nice to see Jonathan and Brandi and Evan but if the truth be told neither one of us could wait to get our arms around Jasmine.

Ten thirty came and went.  Eleven o’clock came and went.  I had myself convinced that something had happened and that they weren’t coming.  Finally, I heard Bob yell from outside, they’re here!  The trip took an hour longer because they made some stops. 

Evan, Brandi’s son, didn’t come as he wanted to stay with Brandi’s parents instead.  I was disappointed because Evan is a great reader and I had the 2nd book of a trilogy for him.  I was looking forward to sitting with him and discussing the books I’ve sent him over the past months.  We don’t know Evan hardly at all and I wanted this weekend to be the time to start to remedy that.

Bob got a hug from Jasmine right away and when they came in the house where I was, she was suddenly shy, as a five year old can be.  I asked for a hug but she stood behind her daddy’s leg and just peeked at me.  I assured her that it was fine if she didn’t want to give me a hug.  It had to be in her own time, I don't believe in forcing a child to hug someone when they don't want to.  She has a picture of her and Bob so he was very familiar to her even though it had been nearly a year since that picture was taken.

We went outside to sit and she was still keeping her distance from me.  I knew how to break the ice!  Jasmine’s birthday was earlier this month (the 6th) and since we knew they were coming this weekend I decided to hang on to her gifts so that we could watch her open them.  I had seven gifts for her and thought it was the perfect time to bring one out.


She had gotten quite good at catching the bubbles and I was instructed to take a picture of all them.  Of course I obliged.  Thank heaven for that erase button.

While I was sitting at the picnic table talking with Brandi and taking pictures of caught bubbles, Jon walked over and set the planter he made for me down on the table.   He had posted some pictures of some he had made a couple of months ago and I commented on them and asked him to make me one too.  He said he would and he didn’t forget.  Actually, I had forgotten about it so this was a very pleasant surprise.  Isn’t it pretty?
Since my little munchkin was getting bored with bubbles, Brandi and I thought it would be a good idea to go check out the playground.  I was walking a few steps ahead of Brandi and Jas when we first started out and suddenly I felt these little arms around my legs.  I got my hug!  My heart just melted.  From that point on, she was my shadow.

So we did the swing thing.


Played Tic-Tac-Toe.

And found she couldn’t go down the slide because the metal was too hot to sit on.

Jas then decided it was time for some refreshments.  Of course no one could open the Freeze-pop except her Pop-Pop.  When she wasn’t my shadow she was his!

Of course it was back to the bubbles again and we discovered she had used up the bottle of bubble liquid.  I supplied a bottle of dish detergent and let her make bubbles to her hearts content.  Do I need to tell you that there was Palmolive dish detergent everywhere???  It didn’t matter, if it made her happy I was happy.


I had gone into a store in Damascus a week or so ago and as soon as I walked in I saw this wind chime with the Saint’s icon at the top.  The Saints are Jonathan’s favorite football team.  Knowing that, I couldn’t leave it on the display unit could I?  Look at that smile, I think I did good.  He says there is already a nail in the perfect place for it.

I soon heard this little voice asking me if there is another present.  Well, of course there is!


Doesn’t this face just say, “Oh look! Clothes.”  This one just didn’t register as high as the bubbles did with her.


Pretty soon I brought another one out and she was happy again.


If I had only known how many games of Memory we were going to play!

Dinner time soon came and she was right by my side the whole time.  It was during this time, when I first heard “Grandmom”.  “Grandmom, what’s my job?  What can I do?”  Is it possible for a heart to melt twice?


So we put her to work crushing crackers for a dish I was making.  She was so eager to help and so proud of herself.

She wasn’t done there!  She helped with almost every dish in some way and when she couldn’t she was counting out napkins and forks and paper plates.  She was lovin’ it!  With every good job  and you are such a good helper that she heard, her smile just got wider. 

In the meantime Jonathan got their tent set up in the site next to ours and shortly after we ate dinner.  We had to eat a little earlier than we normally would have because we had a parade to walk in yet.  The Cradle of Forestry held a Memorial Day Parade here in the park for the kids.  Since we are camp hosts we had to put in an appearance and besides we wanted Jasmine involved.

It was off to the playground.


Jasmine got her flag with streamers but of course Daddy had to carry it.

And we were off in the parade!


Jasmine was given a Certificate of Participation which she is extremely proud of.


After the parade we sat around a campfire and of course it was bubble time again.


It was a great first day with Jonathan, Brandi and my little munchkin.

This little girl makes my heart so happy.  I love it when she just randomly calls out, “I love you Daddy” or “I love you Mommy”.  I can’t possibly describe the feeling I had when she called out “I love you Grandmom” for the first time.  Let’s just say my heart melted,,,,,yet again.

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