Sunday, May 11, 2014

5/7–5/11/14 Dominoes and Other Things

(Damascus, VA)

Well, another week on the mountain down and put away.

There hasn’t been a whole lot going on as far as campers are concerned because our loop isn’t open yet.  Right now all campers are going to Chipmunk Circle.  In a way this is a good thing because Bob has a chance to get each and every campsite up to snuff.  For those of you who know Bob it will be no surprise when I tell you he has gone above and beyond and not only dressed  all the sites but the space between each site also.  Roadside there is a grassy section and he raked all the leaves away and now the buttercups are blooming and some other little purple flowers are there too.

Speaking of blooming, the magnolia trees are blooming.  The magnolia flower is one of my favorites.  The trees line the road coming up from the main gate and they are growing on the banks which rise up several feet so I can’t get a good shot of one of the flowers.

We give each of our campers a sheet of paper to fill out when their stay is over.  It tells us how we’re doing and of any concerns the camper may have.  I had to chuckle at one this week.  I collected the papers at the beginning of my shift and usually there are just circles around the answer they want to pick but this one had writing.  I laughed out loud at what this tent camper had to say.  This camper complained that the ground was too hard.  Excuse me????  The ground is too hard?  You are in a sleeping bag with an air mattress if you are lucky and the ground is too hard?  Seriously?  Oh I bet we’ll get some real knee slapper comments this summer.  You can be sure I’ll share them with you.

I’ve taught the girls how to play Mexican Train!  At first it was just me and Myra and if you have ever played Mexican Train you know its very hard if not darn near impossible to play with two players.  So how did we manage to get a game in?  We each played two players.  It was confusing at first but once we got the rhythm of playing two boards, and learning to keeping them straight, we made out fine.  I’m glad to be playing again.

We are overrun with hummingbirds!  We are getting feeders the next time we go to town.  I’m going to try to find some hand held feeders to see if they’ll come close enough to feed.

It’s been kind of a rainy week.  I’m thinking that all the east coast residents are thinking to themselves, “Geez, all that snow all winter and now all this rain.”  I hope this isn’t a preview of this summer.

Did I tell you we have well water here?  We are lovin’ it!  After that extremely hard water in Arizona this is wonderful.  I have to keep reminding myself to use only half the shampoo and half the dish washing liquid while here.  A little goes a long way here.

Bob is also lovin’ it!  He washed our 5th wheel and when it dried there was not one spot.  Not even on the windows.

See those bushes behind him?  They are chock full of buds that will open next month.

I was finally able to find several bottles of mineral oil.  I needed them so I could soak my Wannadinger Sticks.  It will take me a week to get them all properly soaked because I only have a 2 quart pitcher to work with.

We’re all looking forward to our first Wannadinger party.

We are planning a dinner out next week with all the camp hosts and managers that are here.  There is supposed to be a really good BBQ place in town.  Bone Fire Smokehouse its called.   We’re looking forward to it.  It will also give us a chance to get to know our co-camp hosts in the other loops better.

There are some big events coming up in the next few weeks so hopefully it will give me something to write about.


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