Ok, ten days. We have spent the last ten days here in Albuquerque waiting. Waiting for parts to arrive from two different companies and now we are waiting for our appointment day to get our parts installed.
We really haven’t done anything these past ten days. We were here in Albuquerque seven years ago for an extended stay and we’ve done all the tourist-y things. Been there, done that.
So we’ve spent our days, talking with fellow RV’ers here in the Famcamp. We did have one pleasant surprise during this time. One evening, right after dinner, I watched two fellows walk towards our door and then knock. Bob got up to see what they wanted. When he opened the door he heard, “You were with the 3rd Herd?” Bob replied, “YES!” and out the door he went. The 3rd Herd is the nickname for the 173rd Airborne outfit he served with.
So Bob, Phillip and Gordon sat around and shared stories, talked RV’s and pretty much solved all the world’s problems.
They got together several more times during this stay.
There’s lots of RV’s moving around here. The International Balloon Fiesta is next week and this FamCamp has a 14 day limit on your stay at busy times like this. So lots of new campers are coming in and as people who are already here meet their 14 day limit they have to vacate their spot and leave or move to the overflow lot and wait two days to get on the list to get back into the Famcamp. We’re good until Sunday the 5th.
So we shopped at Sam’s Club, the BX (base exchange – department store) spent hours reading, watching TV, computer time and just hanging out. Its what you do to pass time. I don’t know about you but I find waiting hard!
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