Monday, December 3, 2007

12/03/07 Our Work Week Continues

We have a split work session this week because we worked on Saturday for the pancake breakfast, were off Sunday because no one works on Sunday, and now we'll work today and tomorrow.

Bob worked with other Delaware Bob putting up Christmas lights while I worked inside untangling string after string of lights. I don't know who put these things away last year but they must have just thrown them in the boxes.

Bruce, the Activities Director checking fuses in the strings of lights.

So many strings of lights to test.

Even the metal buffalo got decorated.

After all the lights were tested and untangled it was time for the Zipper Art class to start. We had cleared the tables of strings of lights just in time when the class participants started arriving.

I finally got to see some of the sand being applied.

Some other works of art in progress.

I finally got to order a kit for myself. Well,,,,make that two kits since I couldn't decide between two. I should be in this class by next Monday.

After dinner I had the pleasure of doing a week's worth of laundry. I have started Puzzle Pals in the park and I worked on the puzzle we have going right now while the washer and dryer did their jobs.

The counter turned over on the 13,000th hit to this site today. Our friend, Charlotte, from Delaware was the one who turned it over.

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