After an afternoon of preparing our offering for Christmas dinner, TV and computers it was time for us to get ready for the Christmas Eve church service.
Pastor Don Baker, who happens to be our next door neighbor here in the park, led us in a very nice Christmas service with readings from Luke in the Bible. This reading is the story of the birth of Christ.
The Quail Run Choir sang several songs and they were wonderful.
Towards the end of the service we were asked to stand and make a large half-circle. Each of us were given a candle when we arrived and the two on each end had their candle lit and then lit the one next to them and in turn the second one in line lit the candle of the third and it went on down the line until the it met in the middle. As we all stood there with our lit candles we sang Silent Night. It was very moving and it brought a tear to my eye along with several others that I noticed.
After the service we had lots of snacks to munch on while we visitied with the friends we've made in the park.
This was a most enjoyable evening and we're very glad we attended the service.
Several park residents stayed behind and helped us set up the tables and chairs for tomorrow's dinner. We're glad they did as this job was done in no time at all.
Thank you for posting in such a timely fashion. You write so well. I have already shared your blog with friends and family.
And I am sooooo glad we are neighbors!!!
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