Friday, March 13, 2009

3/13/2009 Puttin' in the Dark

Workampers were let go today. Not fired, just released from the rest of their contract. Since we have no food events the rest of the season, no bingo popcorn to be popped or ice cream dipped for the ice cream social, no pancakes to be flipped, well, there just isn't enough work to go around to keep everyone busy. It was sad to see some of them go. They have the person or persons who made the call to thank for their sudden change of plans and shortened season. They have the JERK/s to thank for having to pay for a site the rest of the month. Oh yes, I can't wait to hear that the person or persons who did this gets what's coming to them. I've said it before and I'll say it again,,,,,what goes around, comes around.

OK, on to happier things. Today the mini golf participants had our banquet and we played twilight mini golf.

Bob (pictured below) and Nell made the arrangements for the banquet and did a bang up job of it! I had a picture of Nell but it wasn't that good and I try not to post bad pictures of friends.


We had a delicious tossed garden salad and lasagna for dinner. After dinner we had prizes from the last few weeks announced and surprise, surprise, surprise, I was one of the winners. This was totally unexpected. My partner for the last 3 weeks and I had to split $8.00. Hey, I'll take it! Bob was also in the money and he and his partner had to split a $4.00 pot.


They also gave a few door prizes. Activities member, Steve, was one of winners. Here he is picking the next winner.


Playing at nighttime was fun! It was the first time we had done that here. We, being Bob and I.

Just a few more weeks to play and the putters and balls will be put away for another season.

1 comment:


oh snookie im sorry to hear that about the health department! now what? you really did a great job there. liked all the pictures brings me back to when bud took over as activities director. we did have fun but you know sometimes you think did we? YES