Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20/2009 I’m Beginning to Scare ME!

Our weather broke here in Arizona so we had a pleasant 87 degree day with a cool breeze. Perfect weather to be sure.

I have never professed to be a wiz at housekeeping. In fact, if the truth be told, quite the opposite. I did what I had to do,,,,most of the time. Things have changed! We used to eat dinner at seven and after eating a full meal who felt like doing dishes? Solution to that? Scrape, rinse, put in the sink till the next day. Worked for me. Not anymore. Now we eat between five and five thirty and before dinner even has a chance to start digesting I’ve got the dishes washed, dried and put away. Dried and put away! This is the first time I’ve ever done this! At most, I would let them air dry! What’s happening to me?????

Other things have changed too, I take something out, I put it away, right away. Four days lapsed between vacuuming! That is unheard of! I don’t wait till we are out of clothes to do laundry, if I have enough for a load, I do it. I have turned into Helen Homemaker and I don’t know how,,.,.,or WHY!

It gets scarier yet. My in-park Christmas cards are addressed already!!! I’m beginning to think aliens came and injected me with some kind of efficiency serum.

Wait, there’s more! I made something today,,,,from scratch! No cans, no boxes,,,,all from scratch. LQQK!


Do you know what this is????? Its an APPLE CAKE! I failed miserably at making it and I was sooooo glad I did! I was beginning to think I had turned into a clone of Bree Hodge of Desperate Housewife fame or even, oh my gosh, do I dare even say it? MARTHA STEWART! I don’t have to worry about that now! No sirree! I failed miserably at cake making. I don’t know what went wrong as I followed the recipe to a T and it was one mess! It still tastes great but in no way resembles a cake. I think I’ll stick with box cakes, I know I can do them.

On a serious note now....

For those of you who contributed to my sister-in-laws effort for the Making Strides walk and did not get an email from her,,,,possibly it went to your SPAM folder and because you did not recognize her email address, deleted it, here is a message from Michelle.

Thanks again for supporting me in this year's Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk. The walk took place this past Sunday morning in Rodney Square, Delaware. I'm happy to report that I not only met my goal of $2000.00 but surpassed it by $1000.00!! This is my best total yet and I couldn't have done it without you. It was a cold wet walk but well worth it.
Thanks again,



Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Is it contagious??? This happy homemaker thing? I don't know if I want to catch it or not? It would be nice to be a bit more organized, but why do today when you can put it off for tomorrow? LOL!! You must love your park model to be so enthusiastic about keeping it clean. I had to laugh reading it, I could even hear your voice. Have a great (messy) day.

Unknown said...

I finally made it to your blog! You are a fantastic writer! By the way next time you make it down to Florida I'll teach you how to bake lol...you are on my favorites list now, so I'll be checking you out all the time.

Peggy & Bill said...

Hey, Suzy Homemaker! I'm one of those 1/2 & 1/2'ers. Sometimes I leave it, but most of the time I pick it up & put it away. Just easier I guess.
And the cake thing........The most delicious desserts are ones that don't turn out. Besides, you get to eat them & don't have to share them!