Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/22/2009 WHITE….but NICE!

Bob painted our steps today and they look so nice even if they are WHITE.



He put our little quail family back up….


He even hung our decorative bell. This is what we’ll use to announce happy hour on the Quinn patio.


While Bob was slaving away at painting I was at the pool working on my tan. It never ends,,,,he’s making things WHITER and I’m trying to get color.

Of course when I got back from the pool at THREE, I found Bob was taking our little flag seriously.


See what I mean????



Peggy & Bill said...

We used to have a bell just like that without the deer on it at our home in PA. We used it to call the kids home for supper when they were out playing. It worked great! Saved on my vocal chords too!

Bob looks like he worked hard. It's easier to tan right?

LaVon Baker said...

The steps look great. Bob did a good job.