Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10/28/2009 Slugs “R” Us

A cold front came through this area last night and it’s windy and the sand is blowing and its cool outside. Neither one of us had any reason to go outside to we hibernated in our little home here in the desert. It will be nicer tomorrow and back in the high 80’s by the weekend. That makes me smile.

You all know how I feel about Christmas decorations being out long before Halloween is really on our minds. Well, let me tell you! This past Saturday I was welcoming a friend back to Quail Run and she had just gotten her mail out of her mailbox. She was rifling through it and said, “Oh my gosh, MY FIRST CHRISTMAS CARD!” Have any of you sent your cards yet? Granted my in-park cards are already addressed but certainly won’t be put out for A LOT of weeks yet. Christmas cards mailed the week before Halloween! That’s wrong! That’s soooo wrong! I don’t care who you are, you don’t have Christmas spirit the week before Halloween. I think its even a law that you can’t have Christmas spirit before Halloween. Those cards were sent out as a chore! How do I know that? Because my friend made the remark that the sender was leaving on a road trip and probably sent them out early so that it would be done. Would it have been so hard to take a box or bag of addressed, stamped cards with her and mail from the road in, oh, say,,,,,DECEMBER???? So is the recipient supposed to display the card, this week before Halloween, if it is her normal thing to do so with Christmas cards? It’s wrong. Just wrong. Ok, I feel better now.

I am happy to report that I can make a tight fist! My water retention is gone! Hooray!

This next little bit is for my friend LaVon.

Lavon, I haven’t given you a picture of a dead tree in quite awhile. Sorry for that but there just aren’t many trees in the desert, let alone dead ones. So instead, I have THIS for you!

eight_mile number_8_outline

eight number_8c


Not 7.5 for you LaVon…..EIGHT!

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

Love, love, love the American flag 8!! You are the best!