Monday, March 26, 2007

3/21/07 I'm So Mad I Could Spit Nails!

I was outside in the late morning when Art, the campground manager, came around on his golf cart and stopped to talk. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with this.
Well, this morning he proceeds to tell me that Don, the guy with the water leak from the night before, was evicted! Seems as though Don had a problem with the "bill" he got for causing the leak by tripping over the pipe sticking out of the ground and he went to the owner to complain about it. That is a no-no in this campground. If you have a concern or complaint and voice it, you will probably be evicted. Anyway, in the telling of the story Art came across to me like he was "proud" of evicting this nearly 80 year old man. I have had this feeling before when Art "boasts" of having evicted this one or that one.

I thought about this for most of the day. No, I didn't sit and brood about it, it was just in the back of my mind and as word got around about Don and what is now known as his "vicious Doberman" (remember, his dog is a 17 year old cancer ridden Lab) and people talked about it......well it just didn't sit right. While waiting for dinner to cook I got online and went to and vented about this old man's treatment and all the things that have been bothering the majority of campers about this park. I had no intentions of naming the park until we were out of here until one reader wrote in and said my info about the park was useless unless I told what park I was so unhappy about. Oh, what the heck, I thought, so I posted again and told which park we were in. Made me feel good!

Bob worked around our home on wheels today, putting a few more things away that he won't be needing anymore before we leave here. He has quite a schedule worked out for what has to be done on what day so that our packing up is done in an orderly fashion. I'll do the inside within the last two days or so because we use everything inside. I would gladly pack up the kitchen TODAY but I don't think we could afford to eat all of our meals out for the next 10 days....well, we could, but who would want to? So I'll leave Bob to his packing and organizing and spend my days at the pool. Works for me!

Finally reached my parents by phone today and we've set up a time to meet for dinner on Friday. We're both looking forward to that.

I met with "the girls" tonite to play Michigan Kitty, a card game, in the clubhouse. I can't remember when I laughed so hard or so much. I didn't win any money but it was worth every penny I lost for the laughs I had. I'm really going to miss these women that have become real friends in these past few months.

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