Monday, July 9, 2007

7/3/07 July Already?

I just realized that we're into July and here it is the 3rd already. Time is going so fast.

Even though most days are routine with our campground duties, we meet so many people from all over the states that its like every day is our first day here. Since we wear those gosh awful yellow T-shirts, and we stand out like sore thumbs, people know we work here and since our campsite is decorated with flowers and flags, complete with a stand of tomato plants, its easy for people to stop and chat with us as we sit out under our awning in the evenings. We enjoy these chats as we learn of places not to miss in our travels. We have just met the nicest people in our evening time talks.

We can tell the 4th of July is near. Every night we hear the firecrackers going off in the surrounding area and we get a fireworks display most nights.

We're in the mid-90's most days now and it was one of the hottest for what we had planned today, our day off. Today we are moving! Not far, just six feet or so but we have to pack up like we're hitting the road. Since we are sitting on a gravel site and the stones are pretty big, Bob thought it would be best if we moved the trailer and put boards under the tires. You should have seen the indentations on the tires when we moved. It was decided that we would move up to the end of the site and this would afford us a full parking space behind the fifth wheel. Prior to the move we were parking on an angle and the front tires were in the grass. Now we can pull directly into the space head on.

Let me set a little background here for what I'm about to tell you. I've mentioned before that the campground has a cafe. We sell pizza, ribs, chicken breast and pulled pork platters. A lot of the times we'll deliver the dinners to the campers as they order when they check in and it is prepared while they set up. Most of the time, Dan prepares, Barb is behind the desk along with me and when it comes time to deliver I'm asked to do it. Now I like doing this and many times we are tipped for the delivery. Earlier in the week, Dan was on the river with the canoes/rafts, Barb was preparing the dinners and I was behind the desk. When the dinners were ready I had a customer so Barb took it to the campers. She was tipped. Ten dollars worth of tip! A night or two later, Dan took the dinners to a camper and he was tipped. Five dollars! Finally, it was my turn, I got two dollars!

OK, so now its moving day for us, all six feet of it. I hadn't mentioned to Barb or Dan that we were going to do this because, well, it just never came up. So our slides are in, Bob is disconnecting the electric lines and Barb walks out of the camp office and sees what we are doing. She yells down to us, "Hey, what are you doing, leaving?" I decided to have some fun with her and answered yes. She kinda, sorta just looked at me and continued on her way. A short while later we have the truck in position to hook up the 5th wheel as if to pull it away and she comes over. Again she asked, "What are you doing?" I told her we were leaving. Now concerned, she asked why. I looked her in the eye and told that I had given this much thought and didn't think it was fair. She asked what I was talking about. I told her that I didn't think it was fair that she and Dan used their campground owner radar and could pick out the campers that were going to be big tippers and keep those deliveries for themselves. Now she caught on and said, "I'll give you a tip! The tip of my middle finger!" We had a good laugh.

So we got all moved, everything set up again inside and out and it was time to relax! We really should have done this morning rather than waiting until the heat of this afternoon.

We called it an early night as we have to get up at six tomorrow morning for our 4th of July activities.

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