Sunday, September 13, 2009

9/11-9/13/2009 Still In Montana

We’re still veggin’ in Montana. There is a reason we are here right now but I’m not a liberty to divulge any details. We are fine and we’re ok, we just need to be here for a short time. I don’t like being so secretive but not everything in our lives is blog material.

So, what do you know about Montana? I really didn’t know much at all when we crossed the border. In fact, I’ve been here a week and still don’t know all that much.

What I have found out is that it is the 4th largest state in the Union and only has about a million in population. Only six states have less.

I like their state flag.


I’ve heard of Helena, the state capital, Bozeman, Billings, the largest city, Great Falls, where we are and Kalispell. I only know the last one because we have a frequent reader from Kalispell. I don’t think they are someone we know IRL. (In Real Life) Other than these cities, Montana was and still remains a mystery to me.

I can tell you that Montana is flat. There is no wonder that its called the Big Sky state. There’s nothing to block your view! In fact, I had pictures to show you that I took on our way here to Great Falls but since I’m using my new laptop and opted to use the Picasso photo program instead of the Canon program, which I know inside out, I promptly deleted all the pictures by mistake. Of course habit took over and I deleted the pictures from the camera just as soon as I uploaded them. (Note to self: go outside and take pictures of the grass so it doesn’t matter if they are deleted until you learn this program!)

We are staying in one of two Famcamps at Malmstrom Air Force Base situated right outside of the city limits. Right behind our rig, up the hill a ways is National Guard Armory. Its drill weekend and Bob is glad he’s retired.

Malmstrom is home to the 341st Missile Wing. On the 28th of August there was a celebrity here to talk to the troops. “Rudy” Ruettiger of the football movie fame was here to meet the members of the units on this base. He challenged them to “always try”. He backed this he wouldn’t be there meeting them if he didn’t “try” back in his Notre Dame days. On a personal note, RUDY is a movie I never miss when it comes on in the fall and again around SuperBowl time. It’s one of my favorites.

Across the street from the Famcamp is an Equestrian Center. We had some really nice pictures of the horses.…but I deleted them. I’ll take some more.

We have experienced some absolutely beautiful sunsets here in Montana. I had great pictures…..but I deleted them. Again, I’ll take some more.

So, here we are for probably another week. We aren’t sightseeing or doing anything even remotely interesting so I don’t know if I’ll post or not. Rest assured that if I walk over to see the horses with a carrot to feed I’ll blog about it!

Hang in there with me daily and frequent readers, we’ll be back on the road again soon.

Oh yeah, Charlie and Debbie of NC, please leave me a comment on how I can email you. I promise not to publish your email address!


LaVon Baker said...

You 'picture-deleting-fiasco' sounds like something I would do. I know you will take more pictures of horses for me, though.
Enjoy the Big Sky Country! :-)

Karen and Al said...

Isn't it going to start getting cold soon up that way? Better head south soon :)

HelenM said...

Glad you're back in "the states" Snookie! We're still in the Pacific Northwest for another week or so. Then we head to Michigan, on to Indiana, before turning back WEST to AZ. Hope you beat the snowflakes on your way out of Montana.

Peggy & Bill said...

Looking forward to the "new" pictures. Finally got caught up on my reading. Glad the truck is running again & you are back in the good ol' USA! Thank you for a great "vacation in pictures"!
I know what you mean about just getting to sit around & relax. When traveling, those days are few & far between. Enjoy! Hope all is well.