Dear Readers,
I’ve gotten your comments here on the blog, your emails, your texts, your phone calls. I hear you.
I haven’t posted since June because I didn’t have much to write about, things weren’t really into the swing of things here and quite frankly, I just didn’t know if YOU were still interested or not. So, I let the blog get away from me. Then the next thing I know things are busier than ever here and time is in short supply.
All the same, I hear you. I will continue to write The Quinn’s Awesome Journey. By now I’ve probably lost a lot of readers and that is certainly no ones fault but my own. It doesn’t matter, those of you who contacted me and reached out to ask if we were ok,,,,you matter.
So I will do my very best to play catch up. I can only do that by covering a few days or even a week at a time. So bear with me….. When you visit this site just scroll down to see what I've added.