Friday, November 3, 2006

November 3, 2006

Today we had a couple come through the house for the second time. My hopes are soaring! They love the house and I can tell they want it badly. Then they dropped the bomb on us. They have to sell an older mobile home in not the greatest of parks first. They asked if we would pull the house off the market and wait for them. They went on further to say that would have their place ready for sale in about a month or so. EXCUSE ME???? Let me see if I've got this right.... you want me to pull our house off the market, wait for you to replace a floor, not just carpet or tile but the FLOOR, sell this older trailer in a less than desirable location and hope you qualify for a mortgage because you haven't' even been to the bank yet? uh....NO! It could take you 6 months to a year to sell your place. Thanks, but no thanks!

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