Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3/10/2010 The Internet

I never thought the Internet would play such an important part in my daily life. I never thought that I would communicate with friends across the country, in other countries, literally, around the world. I’ve made friends on the Internet. Some I’ve even met in person, Bonnie and Chris in Florida, Ruby from New York, Bobby and Shelley from the other end of Delaware. I met them here first and then in person.

I’ve followed women through their pregnancies as they blog about the experience and I’ve followed those who were facing death. Case in point, Layla Grace. Layla Grace, as her mother posted, went to play with the angels yesterday. I don’t know how I came across this blog in the first place, I never met Layla Grace during the short time she spent on this earth or her parents for that matter. In fact, I would have to go back to the blog and really look around to be able to even tell you what state they are from. But I followed this blog daily for the past three weeks or so. Layla Grace was 2 years old and died from cancer. I prayed for Layla Grace and her family and a tear slid down my cheek when I read of her passing. I’m following another life story that Eva is writing. She’s in her early 20’s, lives in Canada and is in the hospital awaiting a double lung transplant, a second lung transplant as her body is in total rejection of the first ones. Time is short for Eva, this is something that has to happen soon for her. I worry when a few days go by and she doesn’t post, I wonder if she is still here, with us. I am amazed by this young woman because she is facing her mortality head on. She types the words, I am dying like I type,,,Bob and I went on a beer run. She has hope, and is surrounded by love from her family and friends and she is accepting of whatever happens. I am in in awe for I don’t think I could be as peaceful as she is. She posts pictures of herself and her friends making funny faces to the camera and they are just simply enjoying time with each other….for they know not how much time they have.

This Internet gives me such insight to the lives of others, I feel their pain and their joy and I rejoice with them when a child is born healthy when that outcome was in doubt for awhile. I can read and feel their raw, emotional cries of anguish in the words they write when need to vent about the unfairness of life no matter what the circumstances are that brought them to use this avenue of release. With others I can feel their total, utter joy and happiness when they write about something that has gone oh so right.

I wonder if I could put myself and my deepest thoughts out there for strangers to read and yes to pass judgment on in some cases. I don’t know that I could or maybe that should be I don’t know if I would. Thankfully my biggest problems seem to be the high price of tires or how much its going to cost to fill the fuel tank. You have no idea how glad I am that these are things that are the big, bad things in my life. Yes, I am truly grateful for that! Yes, that was meant sarcastically, tires and fuel costs are not a problem in the real scheme of things, just in the mind of this Queen of Cheap.

All this Internet talk brings me to FACEBOOK! Yes, my name Is Snookie and I am a Facebook junkie. There I’ve said it. I admit it. I just love FB. I have connected with so many people who have been in my life from many years ago. I recently connected with my favorite teacher, Mr. Keller. He was my 5th grade teacher. I’ve connected with John-John, I used to play with him when I was a little girl and went to my grandmother’s house. School friends, I’ve connected with so many from junior and senior high school. Its just amazing. And I have a FARM! Two of them in fact. I plow the fields of other farmers and harvest their crops and I plant my own and hire workers and I work my way through each level. And I collect money in my account. I now have over 43 MILLION in my account because this Queen of Cheap won’t spend it! Now is that sick or what???? And FB is so much more….I learn from the daily postings if Jenn down in Florida is having a bad day at work or if Bonnie from Florida should iron or just go buy new clothes. I learn if its raining down south and pickleball is canceled for Liz and Bob or if Buddy and Shelley had a good day on the golf course. When Caroline the dog gets out of the yard, I know about it. Crazy, silly things are posted on FB and we all enjoy reading and keeping up with our Facebook friends.

Yep, this Internet certainly does keep me entertained. If I need to know something, Google is my friend, Phone number? is it for me. Need a laugh? Read my email, I get dozens of jokes everyday. There isn’t anything I could possibly want to know that i couldn’t find the answer on the Internet.

Yessiree, we should all give a big THANK YOU to Al Gore for inventing the Internet!


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