We love New Mexico!
The Miraculous Staircase, which legend says was constructed or inspired by St. Joseph the Carpenter, was built sometime between 1877 and 1881. It took at least six months to build, and has two 360 degree turns with no visible means of support. No one has ever been able to identify the builder who mysteriously showed up and then disappeared when the project was completed without pay or thanks. After searching for the man and finding no trace of him, some concluded that he was St. Joseph himself. 

This painting was done on a deer hide several hundred years ago.
We made our way to the plaza area and passed this metal sculpture on the way. Have you taken notice of that blue sky?
Once again, the locals are selling their jewelry.
Today we toured Santa Fe. We drove the truck into town even though we are right on a bus line. We found few parking places downtown, narrow streets, lots of foot traffic. We should have taken the bus. We did finally find a parking lot and stopped into the Visitor Center for a walking tour map.
First stop, Loretto Chapel, home of the Miracle Staircase.
This church is now privately owned and is a museum but it is rented for weddings. This site is rented frequently so that the happy couples can have their picture taken on the Miraculous Staircase. Many engineers have studied this staircase and cannot give a reason for how it stands without support.
The alter.
A beautiful stained glass window.
This is another little church, very, very old that was next door. Again, we just love the architecture.
The alter and take notice of the ceiling.
More pictures from the streets.
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