Thursday, October 11, 2007

10/5/07 Carlsbad Caverns

Today we went to see the Carlsbad Caverns. After hanging around the house this morning we got on the road around 1:45. We made one stop and then got on our way. We have heard so much about these caverns and everyone has told us make sure not to miss them. We have no intention of doing that!

I had wondered if the "Bat Flight" was still going on and was thrilled to hear that it was. The bats fly out of the caverns at dusk. THOUSANDS of bats. I read online that photography is not allowed because the bats can hear the shutter click and it spooks them. I was really hoping to get pictures too.

Hmmmm....this ride is longer than we thought. We arrived at 3:34. They close at 3:30. I begged, I pleaded but the lady wouldn't give in and sell us a ticket. We weren't the only ones but this was one time when misery didn't need company, I had enough for everybody! Oh, I was so disappointed! But then I looked at that half full glass and decided it was a sign that we were meant to come this way again.

We went home and that's all I have to say about this, our last day in Carlsbad.

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