Monday, December 7, 2009

12/7/2009 Wicked Wind in the West

Wind. We, in the desert, don’t like wind. It makes the sand blow and it gets in the air and it isn’t comfortable and you can smell it and we just don’t like it.

It also won’t let you go to sleep at night when its blowing at 50 miles an hour and your Christmas decoration lights are banging against the side of your park model. You worry, are they going to get blown off and away? Is each little light breaking as it smacks against the siding?

And then the rain started. It was coming in sideways with the fifty mile an hour winds. Around one I got up for a drink, something to eat, potty run and looked out the sliding glass doors to see what was going on. As I turned to go back to bed I heard water splatter. I couldn’t imagine where it was coming from and started to investigate. I kneeled on the sofa to check the window and when I put my hand on top of the back it was wet. Hmmmm….water on top of the sofa,, and on the windowsill Not a good thing. I got Bob up to let him know something was leaking. We were hoping it wasn’t the roof. As best as he could tell it was coming in through the window but he couldn’t tell where and with wind at 50 mph and rain flying sideways he wasn’t going outside! That was for sure. We laid towels out and just hoped for the best.

It was hard to get back to sleep with all the noise and worrying about the leaking window. Then all of sudden, it was quiet. No rain beating on the roof, no howling wind, no Christmas lights banging on the side of the house. Just quiet. And we were thankful. The storm had passed.

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