Thursday, April 21, 2011

4/21/2011 A Real Do Nothing Day

Today was a long miserable day.  Our Internet connection….how do I put this?  SUCKED!  There’s just no other way to put it!  We got two “bars” at most which is the pits and when both of us were on at the same time, well, it was just a waste of time.

At six we went over to the lodge to have dinner.  It was “burger night” and what a crowd they had!  Now we did run into something pretty strange in the course of the meal.  Having never been there before for “burger night” we didn’t know how or where to place our order and I went to the bar to ask. In answer, I was handed a rather large tongue depressor.  No explanation, nothing.  A lady down the bar saw my look of confusion evidently and called me over to her.  She explained that I had to write what I wanted on the small piece of wood and when “that door over there” opens, take it and lay it on the counter inside.  She handed me a pen and I wrote 2 Hamburgers, 2 Fries, Quinn and just then the door opened.  I did as I was told and twenty minutes later we heard our name called over the loudspeaker and we went to pick up and pay for our burgers and fries.  And what good burgers they were!

After dinner we got everything ready to go that we could.  We want to get an early start in the morning.

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