Saturday, June 4, 2011

6/4/2011 Ellsworth Air Show

It’s our last day off before we go back to work again. What an absolutely gorgeous day we had today.

Everyone was sitting outside their rigs watching the air show going on without having to fight the crowds.

We had the perfect view from our picnic table.


Do you know what this is? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either when I first looked to the sky and saw it.


However, once it got over us there was no mistaking what this was.


It’s a STEALTH. I do believe there are several models and I just don’t know enough about these things to even hazard a guess as to which one it is.

A closer look. Strange looking aren’t they?


We had single plans flying overhead….


and groups.


There were planes that did loop de loops…


This is our second show that we’ve seen recently, as in the last year. I have to say, we were truly disappointed in this one. Maybe it was because we weren’t on the flight line for this one like we were last September in New Mexico. Maybe we just expected too much after seeing that one. From all we could see of the Flying Eagles this was it.


A dozen guys falling from the sky with big yellow parachutes trailing smoke behind them just doesn’t compare to this….


Sorry Ellsworth, McConnell just has it all over you as far as air shows are concerned. However, your FamCamp is way much nicer!

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