Thursday, November 20, 2014

11/16-11/20/2014 Food Drive and Bikers

(Arizona City, AZ)

We are having delightful weather.  High 80’s, low 90’s and of course no humidity to speak of.

On Tuesday we had our first food drive for Carl’s Food Shelf at a local church here in Arizona City.

This is a food bank that relies heavily on Quail Run for donations.  Quail Runners, being a very generous group of people  give and give some more, every single month.

I rode with Sandy, who started this with her late husband Carl, and Helen.


The park is split up into three sections for pick up.  Two other couples, Jeff & Linda and Dave & Shirley plus ride along Roger all have designated streets that they collect from.  When all the bags set out in front of the RV’s and park models are collected, we all head to  the church.

This months pickup was especially good and Sandy is jumping for joy!


When we got to the church this is the table that donations are put on and wait there to be put away.  It’s empty.


But it sure didn’t take long for us to fill it up!





Take notice its another table…..we filled the first ones to overflowing!

Gosh I love these people in this community!

As the food collection was going on the Quail Run Bikers were gathering for their weekly run in the desert.



They’ll ride nearly all day and stop and have lunch somewhere.  This group will even grow more after the first of the year.

And they’re off…..


Bob has played golf this week and I’ve done some more Christmas shopping.  The sales are getting really good now and I can’t stop shopping!  This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.  This is why I shopped early and gave the kids a bunch of the gifts already.  Oh well, woe is me, they’ll just have to endure opening more gifts because I do love buying for them.

Friday night we went back to Tumbleweed’s with Steve & Jodee and were also joined by neighbors Randy & Kim.  Once again, the food was good, the music was good and a good time was had by all.


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