My co-workamper, Judy and I started our day baking a dozen pies. Not from scratch of course, frozen ones. We’re having a dinner dance here this evening, a combination celebration of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
It was so nice to put all the pies in the oven at the same time, it’s a big oven with a half dozen racks in it. I would love to bake my Christmas cookies here!
The guys joined us shortly after and we set up ten round tables that seat eight.
As soon as that was done we were free for the rest of the afternoon. Well, until four o’clock anyway when we reported back to work.
Bob and Dana took on the ticket taker duties while Judy and I helped get things together in the kitchen for dinner.
Pies had to be cut.
Sandy, our Activities Director checking on the doneness of the broccoli.
Judy, my co-workamper, filling large bowls with dinner rolls.
Before I get too far into this let me say that the event was supposed to start with the doors opening at 4:30 for (bring your own) cocktails. The residents started arriving at 3:45!
At 5:00 the four of us manned our stations in the service line. Bob and Dana served the roast beef and turkey and Judy spooned mashed potatoes and gravy and I had the broccoli. The serving went smoothly and we soon found our voices to decline giving extra servings to the people in the first tables. More than once I heard, “I really, really like broccoli!” Each one was told they could come back for seconds after everyone was served.
When dinner was over and dishes cleared, we watched two music videos about Mothers and Fathers. Both were well done.
A few minutes after six the music started. We have a resident DJ here who has a very large music selection. Now keep in mind this is just a few minutes after six. People started dancing right away and everyone was having a good time. At seven o’clock many started leaving. We couldn’t believe it! It’s only seven o’clock! Of course those of us who stayed to the end had a great time.
I did have a special request for the DJ. Tonight was the 35th anniversary of Bob and my’s first date. We danced to Kenny Roger’s Through the Years. I remember that first date like it was yesterday.
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