Saturday, July 2, 2011

7/2/2011 Playin’ at Pirate’s Cove

When I first woke up this morning at 6:30 the sun was shining and I remembered that I didn’t have to get up today for work and would have time to do things after my morning card game. Bob hadn’t even stirred yet so I turned over for another hours sleep.

Fast forward one hour and I hear this noise and I can’t seem to place it but I’m not ready to open my eyes yet so I just ignore it. However it got louder and another noise I was familiar with joined in. Thunder and rain! What happened to the beautiful sunshine of an hour ago? Now I did get up and looked outside in total disbelief. The weatherman said NOTHING about rain today. But of course,,,we’re off today!

The clouds did clear and it actually got quite warm and we were thankful the humidity was low. Bob suggested we go to Pirate’s Cove so that we can get out of the camp for awhile.

So off we went to Rapid City. Final destination…Pirate’s Cove.


This mini golf place is situated right next door to the Walmart parking lot so we have seen it numerous times and each time we say, “We’ve got to come out here and play this.” I don’t think it was so much that it was mini golf, although we do both enjoy a good round of it, the place is just beautifully landscaped. All kinds of flowers in bloom but predominantly roses and the greenest grass you’ve ever seen.


It was $8.00 each to play the round and of course this Queen of Cheap just had to ask if there was a military discount. Turns out it was $2.00 less each, I was glad I asked.

There was a practice area available before we got to the first hole and Bob asked me if I wanted to practice. I told him no that I didn’t feel the need. He insisted that I should since we hadn’t played since March. To make him happy I took the practice shot. I GOT A HOLE IN ONE! The look on his face was PRICELESS! As surprised as I was that I even got a hole in one, I just looked at him, swung my club up over my shoulder and said, “See, told ya I didn’t need the practice shot” and walked away. He just stood and looked from me, to the practice area and back again. Totally disbelieving what just took place. I didn’t let on that I wasn’t quite taking this all in myself. Now I just explained all this to you for a very good reason. You see, when the actual scoring started I couldn’t get that little golf ball into the hole to save my soul. My golf ball could have been the size of the beach ball and hole four feet across and it would still roll right by it and or get right to the edge and stop.

As I said earlier the landscaping was just beautiful so my lousy score really didn’t matter, I was just glad to be there to take in all the sights.





There was plenty of water around to make you think you were cooled down.

The lagoon.




There were lots of bridges to walk over….


Flowers. Tons of flowers of every color.



There was one section where there was a hole that was situated behind a waterfall.


If I was ever going to build a mini-golf business I would want who ever that designed this one to do mine. This course was on so many levels and each had its own unique twists and turns to it.



We were almost at the end of our game when we noticed the clouds starting to move in. The rain here is just getting ridiculous!


We did manage to get our whole game in and were even on the way home before it started to drizzle. It was good to get out of the camp for a few hours and do more than just go to the grocery store or Lowe’s. We both said we would have to play this one more time before we leave here.



LaVon Baker said...

Wish we could play a game at Pirate's Cove with y'all. :-(

Sour said...

What happened is that you wasted your good shot on the practice round.

HelenM said...

What a neat place! Thanks for the beautiful photos, Snookie.