Thursday, August 28, 2008

8/25 - 8/28/08 This, That and the Other

Our last full week here at home. The time has just been flying by!

This week we caught up with more friends that we hadn't seen yet and I'm afraid we aren't going to get to see everyone that we wanted to. There just aren't enough hours in our days.

One of the chores we had to get out of the way was mailing two boxes to our friends in Utah where our rig is. I've made quite a killing on summer clothes and had to mail them back because there isn't any room in our suitcases. As it was we crammed enough for six weeks into three carry on pieces of luggage so we didn't have to deal with checking it. If you heard that "rolling" your clothes so that you have more room in your luggage is a good thing....take it from me, it works!

Monday evening we had my great nephews, Steven (just turned 4) and Justin (3 next month), over to spend the night. They wore me out just watching them play. I have a funny story about them I want to share with you.

A couple of weeks ago Mom and Dad had them down the beach for a few days with them. I think we were at Kenny's in Rehoboth during this time. Anyway, they spent the day at the beach and added even more tan to their little brown bodies. These two have spent an enormous amount of time at my brother's pool, the beach and at the pool where they live so they are very, very tan. All except for their little white behinds. They are so proud of their little white behinds that if you mention it they will drop their drawers in a New York minute to show you how tan they are. Mom had put them both in the shower (yes they shower now because they are big boys, too big for baths anymore) and when she got them out and had them halfway dressed she thought to herself that she should have taken a picture of those little white behinds. Oh well, she thought, there is always tomorrow. The next day they spent from noon to four at the beach again, getting even browner. This time she instructed them that when they were done washing to call her and then Pop-Pop was going to take a picture of their little white behinds. That was A-OK with them! Sure enough a short while later Mom hears, "Naaanaaaaaa, we're done". She tells Dad to get the camera and she'll get them posed. She explains to the boys that they should turn around and face the back of the shower stall (another reason they take a shower, there is NO bathtub in the cottage) and they agreed. So they get turned around and Mom tells them that when she counts to three Pop-Pop will take the picture. Everyone has instructions now, all is understood and the countdown begins. One......two......three and all Mom and Dad can hear is CHEEEESE! They are facing the wall! Their backs to the camera! Mom said she and dad just rolled when they heard this. I guess they are so accustomed to being told to say cheese when its picture taking time that it didn't matter to them if they were facing the camera or not. I hope you got a chuckle out of that. I do have a copy of that picture and I was going to post it but thought better of it in case someone turned me in for child pornography!

On Thursday we went to Michael's Restaurant to celebrate Bob's birthday. His birthday isn't really until Saturday but we'll be down the beach then. This is the big one we've been waiting for. The Big 6-0! This means his federal retirement checks will start coming now. Oh Happy Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous story! Glad you're having so much fun. Maryanne