Mom and I spent the day shopping. I found the birthday gift I was looking for in Kohl’s and a new pocket digital camera at Best Buy. Bob often says he wishes he had a camera with him so I bought him one today. The one he had broke a good while ago. Canon cameras were on sale, I had a store credit and with no sales tax I figured there was no time like the present.
Mom made stuffed peppers for dinner. This is the meal I requested for my birthday dinner ever year. Mom likes them too but hasn’t made them since my dad passed. Some things you just don’t make for one.
It still doesn’t seem right that my dad isn’t there when I go home. I walk in the door and expect to see him sitting on the left side on the front porch and he isn’t there. When I get up in the morning I expect to find him sitting in the chair at the kitchen table having his morning coffee and he isn’t there. I stare at the empty chair for a few seconds and I realize, he isn’t ever going to be there again. I shake it off and don’t give in to the tears that are so very close to the surface. Time helps you to accept but it certainly doesn’t make you miss any less.
We heard a lot of commotion going on over in the town hall parking lot which is right across the street. This is actually the school I went to in first and second grades but now houses the Town Hall, the town police department and senior center. We sat on the front porch and watched the goings on. Turns out it was movie night and a very large inflatable screen was put up.
A pretty good crowd of families with young children gathered for the showing of The Lomax or maybe it was Lorax. I don’t know, after it started we sort of lost interest in it. One thing for sure the sound was turned up way too loud. We couldn’t hear each other as we sat on the front porch and the noise was deafening in our bathroom of all places and in the side yard between my mom’s house and her next door neighbor. It was like the sound got trapped there.
Today we will celebrate my birthday, which is next week, with dinner out at Michael’s where I can get my now favorite meal of Crab Imperial.
Today is also my last day with mom. I’m her shadow today. If she goes into the kitchen I’m right behind her. If she goes to sit on the front porch, I’m right there. She’s probably glad I’m leaving tomorrow morning.
Our plan is to return to Delaware when our stint in Virginia was over in September. The plan is to stay for at least two or three weeks which will give us time to see friends and family that we didn’t see this time around. I don’t want to wish my life away but I can’t wait for Labor Day to get here.
Our day started early again today. We have a long ride ahead of us once again. Bob charted a different route going back to Virginia and it shaved more than an hour off our trip. The ride was much more pleasurable than going since we didn’t have to deal with Baltimore traffic and it was a lot less expensive. I think we had one $2.00 toll.
We were back in the campground by two. We made an effort to get everything unpacked and put away today because tomorrow the workweek starts again.
It was great seeing Mom again, a year is much too long and the week went much too fast.
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