Follow along with Bob and Snookie Quinn as they live their dream as fulltime RV'ers. If you would like to start at the beginning, click on Let the Adventure Begin in the right hand column to get to the first page.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
12/29/07 We Sure Don't Need This!
Bob went to Lowe's late this afternoon to get something to store all the new to us this year Christmas lights that were used to decorate the rig. He wasn't gone long. In fact, he wasn't gone long enough to have made it to Lowe's. When I saw the look on his face I knew something was wrong. The check engine light came on in the truck and in Bob's words, "It's running like S_ _ _!" He turned around as soon as he knew there was a problem and now we have to have it towed to the local Ford dealer. In fact, they'll have to bring in a flatbed truck since we can't be towed in the conventional sense. Since it was so late in the day when this happened we have to wait until Monday now before we can get anything done.
This couldn't have happened at a worse time! I have food shopping to do for New Year's Eve, I NEED to get my nails done before the big night and we just have general errands to do like getting to Goodwill before they close on the 31st.
We have a roadside service plan through Good Sam and wouldn't you know it expires on Monday. At least we're covered for this. We weren't going to renew it until the end of March or early April when we're back on the road again. I think this incident has changed our minds about that, we'll keep it in force year round now. We had it mainly in case we had a problem with the 5th wheel and it had to be towed but now that the truck has to flat bedded to a service facility we see the advantage of having it.
This evening, after dinner, I went to the Cantina to work on the latest puzzle because nothing on TV interested me. Bob can always find something to pass his time with. As long as Discovery Channel or the History channel is one he's content.
So here we sit without wheels. We have to find out if a rental car is included with our policy and if not a rental car is in our future. We just can't be without transportation.
The sad part is we had a really cool day trip planned for tomorrow and now that is scrapped.....for the time being anyway.
12/28/07 Not a Darn Thing!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
12/27/07 It's Still Frigid in the Grand Canyon State
Today we worked but our work was taken care of in short order. We reported to the Oasis where our activities office is and just talked with the others for the first hour. Our job today was to set up the Carnaval Room for Bingo tonight but there was a dance class scheduled so we had to wait for that to finish before we could go in and set up tables and chairs. It didn't take long for four of us to get it ready. Next assignment was to take an inventory of the sodas and ice cream on hand to make sure we had enough to sell during the break in Bingo. That didn't take long either. By eleven we were done for the morning and went to lunch. This afternoon brought collecting cans from the recycle bins for Bob and Lee, our friend and fellow workamper, and then we cleaned out a storage cabinet in the kitchen.
Tonight we went back to work at 6:30 for our shift in the Bingo hall. We were supposed to make popcorn but the machine bit the dust so we ended up just selling sodas and root beer floats.
That was our work week such as it is.
12/26/07's COLD in the desert!!!
This morning neighbors were thawing out their water hoses with hair dryers or laying them out in the sun to thaw. Bob had put insulation around ours but we did have a minor freeze at the water source coming out of the ground. It didn't take much to get through that though.
We're off today even though our three day schedule would normally run Monday through Wednesday. Since all Activities workampers had to work yesterday everyone is off today for our Christmas Day holiday.
We stuck pretty much close to home today. We figured with all the gift exchanging that had to be done and people shopping the after Christmas sales that traffic would be a pain to get through and that was one headache we could do without.
This afternoon I went next door to help LaVon with her blog, showing her how to add a counter, weather stickers and the such. Quite a few in the park are reading this blog and several have asked me to help them with their own blogs so I'm going to be busy in the next few weeks.
We have orange trees all throughout the park and they will be ready for picking in the next few weeks.
Looks ready for picking doesn't it? I'm sure once the word gets out that the oranges are ready these trees will picked clean in no time.
All in all a pretty uneventful day in the lives of these fulltimers.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Bob and I would like to wish you and yours a very
As soon as we all arrived the first order of business was to present Bruce, our activity director, the gift the Activities staff pitched in and gave him and Deann. Unfortunately, Deann is under the weather and didn't get to join in the Christmas festivities. He was quite surprised when he opened our card. We told him to take the cash gift and get him and Deann out of here for a few days. They are so dedicated and put in so many hours, they need a break.
12/24/07 Christmas Eve Service
After an afternoon of preparing our offering for Christmas dinner, TV and computers it was time for us to get ready for the Christmas Eve church service.
Pastor Don Baker, who happens to be our next door neighbor here in the park, led us in a very nice Christmas service with readings from Luke in the Bible. This reading is the story of the birth of Christ.
The Quail Run Choir sang several songs and they were wonderful.
Towards the end of the service we were asked to stand and make a large half-circle. Each of us were given a candle when we arrived and the two on each end had their candle lit and then lit the one next to them and in turn the second one in line lit the candle of the third and it went on down the line until the it met in the middle. As we all stood there with our lit candles we sang Silent Night. It was very moving and it brought a tear to my eye along with several others that I noticed.
After the service we had lots of snacks to munch on while we visitied with the friends we've made in the park.
This was a most enjoyable evening and we're very glad we attended the service.
Several park residents stayed behind and helped us set up the tables and chairs for tomorrow's dinner. We're glad they did as this job was done in no time at all.
12/23/07 Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad
We really didn't do much of anything today. The roads are way too crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers to even want to attempt to go out anywhere.
Our day was pretty much computer and TV and that suited us just fine.
Monday, December 24, 2007
12/22/07 Children's Christmas Party & Caroling
At the luncheon he explained to us what this experience meant to him. I think we all had a lump in our throat as there were tears in his eyes. He told us that some of the mother's had told him that this was the first time their child had ever seen Santa. Arriving by firetruck, as soon as he hit the ground he was surrounded by little ones hugging him and one little fellow even offered him a nickle.
Some of Santa's elves.
Each child had their picture taken with Santa and the pictures were printed right away so they could take it with them.
Parents could take their kids pictures with the snowmen out on the lawn and even I got mine taken. I couldn't wait until this picture was done as this little snowman was made for someone 2' 5" not someone 5' 2".
After all the kids were gone and there were some 500 of them, it was time for us to go in for lunch. We had salad, lasagna, garlic bread, clam chowder and peach cobbler for dessert. It was very good and I look forward to lunch or dinner there sometime if today's meal is any indication of the food they serve.
After we finished eating Val presented a plaque to Quail Run RV Resort for our part in the party preperations, the cash donation in addition to the tree and stand we gave.
Nancy Reid receiving the plaque on our behalf.
By four we were all back at the park getting ready for our evening of caroling. There were about 45 of us and we broke up into 3 groups. Two walking groups and one riding on a hay wagon. Each group took a section of the park to cover.
Getting ready....
Some of us had sheets with the words to the songs printed on them but I noticed we couldn't get past the first verse in most cases for some reason or another. I can't tell you how many times we started out singing one song to the rare winter resident we found home but within what seemed seconds we were somehow ended up singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Oh well, we had a lot of laughs and it was well worth the time to be out there.
After all the groups returned we had spiced punch,,,,spiced...not spiked!
A fun day for us to say the least.
12/21/07 Another Thousand Down
Thursday, December 20, 2007
12/20/07 A Different Kind of Forest
Cacti in all shapes and sizes.
For some reason Bobby just couldn't stop touching the cactus.
It didn't take long before one touched him back!
Now you think he would have learned, huh?
I call this one.....Dead Tree.
Here's one that is just growing its arms or branches.
We had to laugh when we saw this giant cactus. We figured it must be "depressed" because it certainly looks down in the dumps doesn't it?
We walked another trail that wasn't paved and hiked up to the rocks where petroglyphics were drawn hundreds of years ago. Personally, I'm very happy we have email nowadays!
After leaving this park we headed towards home and decided on Chinese for dinner. Bob found us a restaurant for us using our GPS and we headed for Lucky Chinese Restaurant. Shelly was very glad to see they served bait,,,oh, excuse me, sushi. I wanted no parts of that but Bob did try some. Oh what an adventurous eater he is! I had my old standby Beef and Broccoli.
After dinner Bobby and Shelly dropped us off and we made plans to get together when they reached their winter destination about an hour away in Mesa.
It was so nice to have this time with them, we enjoy them so much.
12/18/07 A Day inthe Park
I took pizza orders for Pizza Partner night and Bob played pool in the evening. He won two and lost one.
That was it!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
12/17/07 Casa Grande Ruins w/Friends
We loaded into the truck with no particular destination in mind and decided on Mimi's Cafe, a new restaurant that opened just a few weeks ago.
We all had a lunch that we enjoyed and then headed to the Casa Grande Ruins about 20 miles away.