I took my camera along so that I could shoot pictures of my friends in our "usual setting". While there, I snapped a few of the signs that are posted giving warning of being evicted. I also snapped one of the recently posted sign about the "cost" of doing damage to anything in the park. Don must still be on my mind.

Take note of yet another sign (yellow paper) with the word EVICTION on it! Friendly place isn't it?
So here we are sitting around the pool, talking, laughing and I hear Art, the manager, call my name and say that him and his wife Linda want to talk to me. I went into the office and Linda slid a piece of paper across the counter to me. I looked at it and it was the posting I made on RV.net! Seems as though a reader of RV.net thought it was his "duty" to forward the post to Suncoast RV with a note stating, "I thought you might find this interesting". Now I don't know the name of the person who did this so I'll just call him "Richard Cranium". (THINK about what I'm really saying with that name) Linda proceeded to tell me that since I wasn't happy in the park it would be best if we leave! We had been evicted! We were given 24 hours to get out. I made my way out to the pool area and told my friends we were evicted and the look on their faces was priceless! They each took a turn reading what I had written and I heard things like, "What happened to freedom of speech?" "You mean to tell me that you wrote the TRUTH and are being evicted for it?" All the while it is sinking in that I have to go home and tell Bob that we were evicted. Now this isn't the first time we've been threatened with eviction. Both Bob and I had previously been warned by the owner that if we didn't calm down or lower our voices that we would be asked to leave. (Think back to when they double billed us for our four month stay)
So off I go to tell Bob. When I reached our site Bob was on the ladder and the first thing he said to me was, "Is it electric bill time again, Art was just here reading our meter?" Yes, it was towards the end of the month so I answered him with a yes. I knew I couldn't put it off so I took a deep breath and told him we had 24 hours to pack up and leave. You should have seen the look on HIS face! After I told him why I think it is safe to say that I was not Bob's favorite person at that moment. In fact, it is safe to say that I was not Bob's favorite person for about two hours!
Word spread quickly throughout the park. It wasn't long before friends started coming by to find out what happened or was it true.
We made short order of taking down the screen room and putting things away. Maybe not where Bob had planned but away all the same. We finally finished up around 8pm and we were both too tired to eat. Bob settled in for a couple of hours of TV and I went to the clubhouse to hang out with friends who were there for Bingo.
Oh, what a day!
How sad this is!! I guess some people don't know what freedom of speech is anymore. I had a somewhat similar situation on Ashley's website. The truth hurts some people I guess.
Wendy (Winky)
OK. Snookie, I read on but just HAD to return to this post. The more I thought about what that jerk did to ya'll the more I realized I HAD to come back and just, just, just CALL HIM A JERK!!!! You probably won't post this but still I HAD to. ;-)
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