If we had left early on our own we would have just thrown away 9 days worth of rent. Since we were evicted Suncoast was obligated to return our money. We'll use this to pay for our camp sites up the road for a few days.
Friends pretty much hung around all morning wanting to help in any way they could to help us finish up last minute packing. We had it pretty much under control but we sure appreciated the offers.
We planned on leaving around noon. We spent the morning exchanging phone numbers and email/snail mail addresses and taking "couple pictures" of all the great friends we made while here.
To our Port Richey, Florida friends.....THANK YOU! Thank you for making our time there so darn enjoyable. We had a lot of laughs with you guys.
Our neighbor Dave came over and brought a "wifebeater" to Bob. He had one for himself also. Here's a picture of them.

This pic doesn't show it too well but Bob has a helluva farmer's tan going on. Look how tan Dave is!
Our next door neighbors, Gary and Louise, surprised us with a going away gift. They gave us a candle that is battery operated and flame actually flickers. Thanks so much guys.
The time has come for us to move on. It's sad but at the same time a relief. We didn't like this campground owner/management situation, the bugs, the on again/off again pool and a multitude of other things. It was certainly a lesson learned for us. NEVER pay in advance! But for all the bad things the good friends we made certainly outweigh them.
Some of the "girls" stood by as we pulled out singing Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again".
So at noon our time at Suncoast RV came to an end and we headed north. We didn't get to see my parents again and for that I'm sorry, but hey, this way I didn't have to say "so long" to them again. That is just so hard for me.
We traveled about 3 hours and pulled into a KOA campground in Perry, Florida. We had a nice big site and there wasn't a no-see-um anywhere!

We didn't do much of anything in the evening, just tried to find stuff. We had to pack so quickly that once again stuff just got put here and there.
So here we are.....On the Road Again
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