A lot of things have to happen before the floaters actually get on the bus to be taken to the drop off point. The one responsible for the canoe or raft has to read and sign a piece of paper saying that he will not hold the company responsible in case of death and that if the canoe or raft is damaged or lost, they will pay for it. You would be surprised how many just glance at where the "X" is to sign and just write their name. We try to make sure they know what they signed, that could be laying out a thousand bucks if they lose a canoe or raft, these things aren't cheap!
Of course not every one is in the area when Barb gives her spiel about safety, where to get out of the river, not to litter and the other things she needs to go over with each and every floater. She repeats this spiel over and over again until the bus pulls away.
The bus, ready for loading.

Floaters making sure they have everything. Got the life jackets? Check. Cooler full of beer? Check. Flashlights for the cave? Check. Cooler full of beer? Check. Litter bag? Check. Cooler full of beer? Check. Turned the cars keys in for safekeeping? Check. Cooler full of beer? Check.

Canoes out first.

Let's get em' on the river.

Rafts are next.
Its not only us getting floaters on the river, there's two other outfits doing the same thing. Talk about pandemonium!
And they're off!
This whole process was repeated an hour and a half later.
THEN.....after the last float trip was launched the ones who went out on the earliest float were done and the phone calls started coming telling us they were ready for pickup.
All the while the campers who weren't on a float trip needed directions, to buy things in the store, to check out and more were coming in throughout the day. Do I need to tell you that the day flew by?
A day in the life of workampers who work for a campground that also has a canoe/raft business on a beautiful day in June.
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