It wasn't all smooth sailing for us getting this service done today. Matt (left) called ahead of their arrival to make sure we were here and to let us know they were on their way. In our conversation he asked about a tripod. I assured him we needed one as we are RV'ers and had no place permanent place to attach the dish. He then went on to tell me that he didn't have one in the truck and would have to travel 45 minutes back to the shop to get one. OK, works for me. He then went to explain that there was a $25.00 charge for the tripod. Wait! Stop right there! No one told me there was going to be a charge for the tripod. Now I wasn't really concerned about having to shell out twenty five bucks but it was the principle of the thing for me. I called the Direct TV 800 number and got a customer service rep on the line. I explained that the installer called and that I was told there was a $25.00 charge for the tripod and that since I wasn't told about this I didn't appreciate the hidden fees coming to light on the day of the installation. I went on further to say that this was not the way to start a business relationship with me and that he would have to find a way to waive that tripod fee because I just flat out was not paying it. I think the customer service rep knew I meant business because he assured me that while the fee is "usual" he would credit our account for me because they certainly valued our business and wanted us to be happy customers. Yes, we had to pay the $25.00 but it will be credited on our first bill. Since Direct TV employees aren't actually doing the install, but a contract company is and the fee is actually theirs, I believe, the check had to be written. It's OK, we'll get it back in the long run.
So Steve and Matt arrive. One hundred and forty channels for our viewing pleasure! We can hardly wait for the installation to be completed. Bob and I have never had channels that went over number 75. Now if I want to catch something on TVLand I have to go to channel THREE HUNDRED AND ONE! This will take forever to remember all the channels and whats on them.
Installation didn't take long at all. These two know their stuff and before we could say "one hundred and forty channels" we were up and running. So now we have another remote to add to the original TV remote and the one for the DVD player. Just what we needed!
So Matt and Steve leave us and in the house we go to check out our 140 channels. Oh My God.....what is that music? I know that music! MASH! We get MASH reruns again! There is a God! It has been so long since I've sat down with Hawkeye, Radar, Trapper John and the gang.
As much as we would have liked to watch TV all day on all these channels we had to get on with our day.
Bob had to find a way to stake our tomato plants as they are growing tall.

Our tomatoes are growing nicely!

The rest of the day we took care of chores around the house and watched TV....lots of TV!
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