Monday, August 17, 2009

8/17/2009 We Did Stuff!

It didn't rain today, we didn't just lay around watching TV and movies, we didn't spend our day on our computers. Nope, we didn't do those things.

We had an absolutely beautiful day here in Anchorage!!! Blue skies, didn't need so much as a light jacket, a day you just wanted to be OUTSIDE. So that's what we did.

Bob started his day at the local Ford dealership. When he returned from the getting the oil changed in the truck he got up on the roof and cleaned it in preperation of the for the tape he'll put on the seams to insure we don't have any problems with leaks. All part of maintenance and taking care of things. Seeing as how this roof hasn't been washed since last April and Canadian roads and Alaska are so dusty, well it was just black with dirt. It took him a good while to get this portion of today's work done and lots of elbow grease! That out of the way he started the taping. He got one side done and small portion of the other. Had the roof washing not taken so long, and so much energy, he may have been able to get it all done today. Then again maybe not, I'm not really sure how labor intensive it is in getting this tape on. It probably does take a lot to make sure there are no air bubbles or whatnot.

I straightened up inside and gathered all the laundry I could find and went to the free laundromat here in the FamCamp. Usually there are six washers and dryers but two washers are taped shut and one dryer is down. All machines were in use when I arrived but I didn't have to wait too long for two machines to become available. Since it was so nice today, the ladies who were there doing wash and I sat outside at the picnic table. Times like this are my favorite. You meet the nicest people this way and learn so much about what to see in the area you are in. After all, we are all on "vacation" and we're all sightseeing. I had one lady tell me to be sure to make a stop at the Wells Fargo Bank on Northern Lights Blvd. I must have had a puzzled look on my face at being told to go sightseeing at a bank but the other lady sitting with us smiled and said, "I had the same reaction, but do go, you don't want to miss it." Neither would tell me what it is I'm going to see if we do get there because they didn't want to ruin it for us. Now my curiosity is really up!

It took me nearly all afternoon to get the laundry done when you have six loads and only 2 machines. I couldn't take the other machines as they became available, that wouldn't have been fair to others who also wanted to do wash. The dryers also took forever because they have just been beat to death I guess. Towels took a full hour to get dry. Besides, Bob was busy, I was enjoying the sunshine and talking with those who came in to do laundry.

We had an early meatloaf dinner and settled in for the evening watching movies.

A productive day at least.

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