Do you have that one friend, that one friend you’ve had since before you even started school that you are still in touch with? That one friend that you share very special trips with, perhaps to Hawaii like me and my friend? That one friend who s always there? For me that friend is Susan.
You first met Susan HERE. Well, she did beat it. Yes, there was chemo, radiation and an operation but she came through it and our friendship continues to this day. Fifty six years now. We see each other every other year or so and we talk on the phone every couple of weeks. Its funny, I can think about her and usually within the hour she’ll call me. Of if I’m the one who makes the call, I’ll hear, “I was just thinking about you!” and we’ll pick up where we left off a couple of weeks before.
Next month Susan will be five years cancer free. Except. Except that she’s not. In January she went for a check up and something was noticed not to be quite right. Further tests proved what we hoped wouldn’t be there. The cancer has returned. The good news is that they found this very, very early. The doctor is extremely positive that this can be taken care of with no problem. I pray he is right.
So while Susan is dealing with this, I don’t care what she says this has to be on her mind 24/7, she is also finding time to think and do for me.
I got a very heavy package in the mail today. It took me forever to unwrap it. Layer after layer, paper, bubble wrap, more paper, a large padded envelope, heavy cardboard, it was a lot of work! But so worth it.
My friend works in stained glass. In fact, she is so good at her craft that teaches others how to work in stained glass.
Susan, my forever friend, designed and crafted this beautiful piece for me.
The quail, the cactus, the sun, the mountains in the background. Its all so perfect!
Susan, I’ve told you this already but I have to say it again………
Yes, all caps because this means so much to me that I would yell from it from the rooftop.
Susan, you are the best and I’m so very glad you are a major part of my life.
Thank you, thank you my friend.
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