Monday, March 26, 2007

3/20/07 Bob Starts the Roof Taping

Today Bob started taping the seams on the roof of our 5th wheel with a product called Eternabond. We don't have a problem with leaks this is a "just in case" measure. Bob likes to keep one step ahead if at all possible.

Here are some before and after pictures.



While Bob was busy doing this I was busy working on my tan.

Uh-oh, Dale is down again with the same thing that happened to him the last time he went fishing with Bob. He didn't make a trip to the hospital this time but is back on an all liquid diet like the last time. I don't think these two should go fishing together anymore!

We had some excitement in the park this evening. About 5 sites down the street from us an elderly man named Don was out walking his dog after dark and kicked or tripped over a water pipe of some type. A geyser of water erupted and before long the lots near his site were soaked. Park management was called to fix the "leak". That's all well and good until we heard they charged this man $50.00 an hour to fix the leak! Can you imagine?

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