Well, the phone still isn't fixed at the takeout point on the river so I got to spend another day playing substitute pay phone.
My day on the river wasn't as long as yesterday as the first floaters didn't go out until ten. When floating on a raft it takes about four hours if you aren't taking the time for a picnic or to explore the cave along the way or to play in the swimming holes. I was taken to the river around two and was done around five. It was a slow day today for canoes and rafts, not nearly as many on the river as yesterday. We only had four rafts out today and other outfitters didn't have many more than that.
I think it would be fun to float down the river in one of these.
Now I did see one thing that really made me angry today. A group came in with their own tubes and rafts and that meant they were not affiliated with any of the local outfitters. If they had been this would have never happened. In the picture below look for the little baby. (Yes, that's mom in a two piece.)
Keep in mind that this river is fed by a spring in which the water is fifty three degrees or thereabouts. True, the sun has warmed the water but it is by no means bath water! This "mother" put this little fella in a plastic tube that had a seat built into it where he could sit. She put this child into this tube without, got that, WITHOUT a life jacket on then proceeded to tie his tube to hers! Well let me tell you this poor baby just screamed when his little body sat down in that tube and he felt that water. I came up outta my chair and just stood there and watched this with such intense anger at what I was seeing. Thank heavens one of the group got the baby out of the tube. That woman should be shot! Missouri state law says that any child under the age of eight MUST wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket at all times when on the water. When we have small children, and you would be surprised how many people bring very small kids and even infants for float trips, Barb makes the law well known and will not allow anyone on a trip that doesn't have the required life jacket for a small child/baby. I wanted so much to say something to this woman but thought better of it when I considered I was only one against this group. I could only hope that the Water Patrol would see this and make them get off the river and even give her a ticket or something for child endangerment! She was a real SPORT!Like I said earlier, the river was quiet today and for the most part this was my view.
The pay phone will probably be fixed this week so in all likelihood I will not called upon again to play substitute and for this I am sorry because it sure is a great way to spend the day at work!Meanwhile, back at the campground, Bob had the pleasure of playing plumber. Seems as though someone took a good amount of paper towels and flushed them! Oh, the joys of workamping!

In addition to this task Bob finished up the wiring for the ceiling fan he installed yesterday. When that was done, he called it a day.
After a dinner of pizza (we have to use up the ones I have "on the books" for selling Value Cards) Bob settled in for a night of TV and I went down the street to visit Mark and Teresa, campers I had met on the river.
Our next to the last week of work is now behind us. Next week Bob will work Wednesday through Friday putting on the last of roofs that need to be replaced. That's the game plan anyway, the weatherman says rain. I'll finish out the last week but have decided that I won't sit around and play computer games just to pass the time. I'll clock out and come home to help with packing tasks. My time will be put to much better use this way.
FIVE workdays to go! THREE for Bob.
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