Friday, March 25, 2011

3/25/2011 Happy Birthday Darlene!

A couple of weeks ago we started seeing the posters around the park for the birthday party being given for Darlene Wilson at Bonnie Larson’s place. This was something we put on our calendar right away, we didn’t want to miss this one!

You may remember Darlene as being one of the hostesses for the Cancer Survivor Party.


Darlene is a sweet, kind lady and we knew that a bunch a people were going to show for this party. There had to be a hundred plus people at this gathering to help Darlene celebrate her birthday. I wasn’t a bit surprised at the turnout and it speaks volumes about how we care for this friend of ours.


Everyone was asked to bring a salad or a dessert so think about having at least fifty different things to choose from to eat. Surprisingly there were very few duplicates and that just always amazes me.



CL enjoying his meal.


The one thing everything everyone learns how to do in Quail Run is to eat a full course meal off you lap while balancing a drink a your feet.


This dove who made a nest on a ladder hanging on Bonnie’s shed didn’t mind us a bit.


While the party goers were finishing up their dinners I asked 18 of the women to meet me in the center of yard when everyone was done eating but didn’t tell them why. Oh yeah, I heard, “Oh no Snookie, you aren’t getting me out there unless you tell me why. I don’t trust you!” Can you imagine?

End of dinner came, I called the ladies to the center and told them we are going to play a game. I heard, “Oh no, I knew I shouldn’t have said yes.” It was too late, they were center circle. I had them split into two teams and when that was accomplished I brought out the game pieces. Some new right away what was going on and some had puzzled looks on their faces. (Actually, we played this the day before at our block party but I was so busy laughing I didn’t get one single picture)

I handed the two sides their game pieces and told them what they had to do. I’m sure the laughs could be heard all over Arizona City.

The game pieces?

A plunger placed firmly between the thighs -- to run to the other side of playing field without touching it with your hands after you have it placed.




A roll of toilet paper held by the teammate at the other end of the playing field firmly between her thighs!



The object? To get the plunger handle through the cardboard tube in the roll of toilet paper?

Sounds easy doesn’t it? Trust me, its not!


Uh-uh,,,no hands!



Darlene giving some much needed help!




Marilyn got hers!


Carol had this down pat!


The laughing that went on while this game was being played was so loud and I saw more than a few wiping away tears from laughing so hard.

If you want to bring out the laughs at your next party bring out the plungers and rolls of toilet paper!

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