Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3/8/2011 End of Season Line Dancing Luncheon

We started our day out with an early morning winter resident meeting ass chewing. Sorry, that’s what it was. There was nothing positive in the meeting that had nearly every resident in attendance. We had hoped that rumors that run rampant in a small community like this were going to be put to rest but in fact we left the meeting with even more fuel added to the fire. Instead it was just a list of all the things we do wrong. What a way to start the day.

Chairs were quickly put away and line dancing started. It was a good thing as we all had “negative energy” we needed to work off.

Today was the end of season Line Dancing Salad Luncheon. An hour and a half later we were back in the Carnaval Room and tables were set up and dish upon dish was lined up for the taking.

Carl and Sandy also conduct line dancing classes at another nearby park. The dancers in that class were invited to the luncheon and it was very nice to have them. I had helped out with this class in the very beginning and I recognized a few of our visitors.

A few announcements were made and we were then lining up to eat these delicious salads that everyone brought. I have to admit, I had forgotten to sign up for the luncheon so I felt kind of funny taking part but my good friend Marlene asked me to read a poem about line dancing that one of our winter residents had written a few years ago. Keith Paddick wasn’t in attendance today so I had the honor of reading it. Rather than re-type it, you can read it HERE.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we have such good cooks in this park!


I’m tellin’ ya, we could feed a third world country with our luncheons.



After lunch there were a few presentations of gifts to our line dance leaders and music providers.

The intermediate line dance leader, Elaine, made this for Sandy.


Joe read some jokes out of a “seniors” joke book and we all shared a few good laughs.

Gifts given, thank you’s said, it was time to,,,,,,,,

L I N E D A N C E ! ! !

First up was the Intermediate class with a dance they learned.


The ladies from Los Colinas were up next and I took two pictures of them and neither one of them turned out good enough to put on here. I do try very hard not to put bad pictures of people on my blog. Unless of course someone sticks there tongue out at me and then they are fair game. So I don’t have pics of our guests since I don’t want to embarrass anyone. You’ll just have to trust me that they did this really good dance that WE all want to learn!

Then it was time for the masses to dance. It is our tradition to end every dance session with Roy Orbison’s Pretty Woman. it’s a great song to line dance to and we happen to do Sandy’s favorite dance to it. Thanks to Carl for taking these pictures!



Sandy says we’ll have one more week of class but I think we can talk her into a few more.

In the afternoon about 15 of us met to discuss the morning event. We’re not happy campers. We’ve put some plans in place to get our concerns heard by the owners of the park. Some changes and improvements need to be made if they want RV’ers to continue to come here.

Evening time brought pool for Bob and Mexican Train for me.

A busy day, but a fun one and a productive one.

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