Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/19/2013 Guess where We Are?

(Tucson, AZ)

Did you guess Lazy Days?  You’d be partly right.  Our home is in Lazy Days RV Center but we’re in a Days Inn!

The hydraulic leak we came in here for has caused our fluid level to get too low and the hydraulic jacks can not do their job the way they should now.  Because we weren’t scheduled for service today to have this addressed the front end was really low and dropping.  When this was pointed out to our service advisor things moved quickly and we were taken to the service bay within the hour.  Because they put it on jack stands we were not permitted to stay in it so we ended up at the Days Inn down the street.
Jim called us early this afternoon to give us an update on Arlene.  They were taking her out of sedation but she still wasn’t responding.

After dinner at Denny’s we settled in for the evening.

Before it got too late I called Jim to see if there was any change and he relayed some good news.  When he went back to the hospital after dinner he gave his usual “Ar, I’m here” greeting.  Much to his delight she opened her eyes.  He held her hand and asked her to squeeze.  He said she nearly ripped it off his hand.  He moved to the other side of her bed and tried that side.  Once again she showed good strength as she squeezed.  Folks, she’s coming back!

He went to tell me that in the morning she’ll be given an MRA.  Maybe that’s a more intense test than an MRI….I forget what he told me.  Anyway, if that turns out good they will remove the tubes and ventilator.

Jim and all those who hold Arlene dear thank you for your prayers.   So far it looks like they are being answered.

This was our Day 7 in Lazy Days Tucson.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm so happy to hear Arlene is doing better. Hope you get out of Lazy Daze soon. We used to go there when we had a 5th wheel, Liz was our service adviser during the Beaudry years. We don't go there anymore, and I'm pretty happy about that.