Monday, March 10, 2014

3/10/2014 A Mish-Mash of Things

(Arizona City, AZ)

These days have been spent doing this and that and something else.  Laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning among other things.

Remember when I told you that we would be heading to Oregon to workamp in the fish hatchery and then on to Washington to camp host in a state park?  Well, unfortunately, those plans had to be changed.  We are now headed to Virginia.  Southwest part of the state where Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee all meet.  We are not going there for a happy reason.  Bob’s sister who lives in that area, Tennessee actually, is very ill, so we are going to be near her.  We were fortunate enough to secure a position with the Cradle of Forestry so we’ll be about a half hour or so from her.  We’re going to be Camp Hosts in a park called Beartree Recreation.

Its not a change we wanted to make and its certainly not a reason we wanted for making a change but its what you do when family needs you.  So the west coast is out and we’re heading east.  Thankfully, we can be flexible.

We’ll be leaving here in mid-April so Bob has been very busy getting the basement of our rig organized and in order for the trip.  He’s also plotting our route and finding things to see along the way.  It looks like we’ll have a day in Memphis so we’ll see Graceland. 

When my friend Deb and I went to the Gourd Festival last month she bought a kit to make thunder gourds for us.  You shake it and it sounds like rolling thunder.  She finished the first one and brought it over for us to see.

She had to cut the bottom off, clean all the gook and seeds out and clean the outer skin.  She then had to glue Mylar to the opening on the bottom.  A hole had to be made in the Mylar and a spring about 18 inches long secured to it.  She then had to cut a hole in the gourd so the sound could resonate.  On this one it looks like a thunderbolt.


She got pretty fancy and burned in a design on the other side.  A kokopelli!


This was her first attempt and she’s going to make us one.

Our daytime temps are really starting to get nice.  The 80’s are the norm now and it makes it very pleasant at the pool.

Was driving the other night and saw this sunset.  Yes, my camera goes everywhere with me!


Life is good!

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