We spent about an hour exploring the park taking notice that it was all but empty. We saw at most a half dozen campers. We did take notice that the local squirrels have no fear of humans or motor vehicles. We came upon this one sitting in the middle of the road and it wouldn't move! It seemed to dare us to come any closer. We did. It moved.
For the lack of any idea of what else to do by mid-afternoon we made our way back home. We found we had a new next door neighbor move in while we were gone. Within minutes Larry came out of his trailer to meet us. Him and his wife are new fulltimers and hail from Tennessee.
We sat at the picnic table talking and watching the hummingbirds. These little winged creatures were out in full force this afternoon chasing each other away from the feeders. We counted eight at one time. Bob did some reading up on these tiny birds and found that this is the time of year they really start feeding to prepare themselves for their migration to South America for the winter. This must be true because we're filling our feeders every other day now.
Hummingbird pictures.....taken from inside.

Can you see all three of them?

After dinner we settled in for another night of TV. I went outside for a few minutes and couldn't help but notice the full moon. It was huge orange ball in the night sky. I took a picture but without a telescopic lens, well, this picture just doesn't do what I saw justice.

Tomorrow we start our next to last week of work. It won't be long and we'll be singing "On the Road Again"....
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